Post op
Re: Post op
Now i get it,
There are 2 tendons to each finger (1 short & 1 long) the short tendon is not needed as the long tendon will do its job,they use 2 short tendons from the ring & index finger and attach them to the non working tendons,in your case they may use more than these 2 tendons.
You then have to retrain your brain (the fun bit!),In my case i have to think to clench my fist in order to extend my fingers and wrist,
In your case you will have to to bend your index finger to move your thum!
when my pot was on most of the tips of my fingers felt v numb ,but this eased if i kept my arm elevated,when the pot was removed my hand was bruised and this is prob what yuo are seeing ,if it dosent get any better id ask the doc to look
i was told that you loose between 20/30% strength from any doner mouscle used,but at the minute its hard to say becouse my hand is still a little stiff,but it doesnt feel too weak.
for the max results your looking at 5/6mths but this depends how determined you are with physio,no physio no movement simple.
from what iv seen so far kathy you wont be dissapionted
There are 2 tendons to each finger (1 short & 1 long) the short tendon is not needed as the long tendon will do its job,they use 2 short tendons from the ring & index finger and attach them to the non working tendons,in your case they may use more than these 2 tendons.
You then have to retrain your brain (the fun bit!),In my case i have to think to clench my fist in order to extend my fingers and wrist,
In your case you will have to to bend your index finger to move your thum!
when my pot was on most of the tips of my fingers felt v numb ,but this eased if i kept my arm elevated,when the pot was removed my hand was bruised and this is prob what yuo are seeing ,if it dosent get any better id ask the doc to look
i was told that you loose between 20/30% strength from any doner mouscle used,but at the minute its hard to say becouse my hand is still a little stiff,but it doesnt feel too weak.
for the max results your looking at 5/6mths but this depends how determined you are with physio,no physio no movement simple.
from what iv seen so far kathy you wont be dissapionted
Re: Post op
Well answered my question before I had a chance to ask it. I was going to ask what kind of "thinking" was involved in making your fingers move. How about your wrist? Is it too soon yet......or has your therapist given you any clues? This is all fascinating stuff, and I appreciate you sharing this.
Re: Post op
Hi George,
Its quite hard to get your head round if youve not had it done,but to move my wrist is the same as my fingers,
youll have to use your imagination with this one.......looking at your left hand palm down,bend your index finger & fist finger & thumb extend.
bend your ring finger & pinky,ring & index extend.
now for the fun bit,bend index & ring together firmly & the wrist extends.
but you can still grip ok becouse the "spare" tendons are still intact and working
Im now 5wk post op and can do all this but it takes a little thought,soon my brain will suss it & it will come naturaly,
hope this makes sence,this is what they did to me ,it depends what moucles are available after bpi
Its quite hard to get your head round if youve not had it done,but to move my wrist is the same as my fingers,
youll have to use your imagination with this one.......looking at your left hand palm down,bend your index finger & fist finger & thumb extend.
bend your ring finger & pinky,ring & index extend.
now for the fun bit,bend index & ring together firmly & the wrist extends.
but you can still grip ok becouse the "spare" tendons are still intact and working
Im now 5wk post op and can do all this but it takes a little thought,soon my brain will suss it & it will come naturaly,
hope this makes sence,this is what they did to me ,it depends what moucles are available after bpi
Re: Post op
If you don't mind me interjecting, this is what I have been told also. It will tske about 8 weeks to train my brain what to fire in order to move my thumb. I am just 1 week post op, so I have three more weeks to go in the cast and I can't wait to get it off. My thumb is totally covered in the cast and it goes all the way to the elbow. It is not really bad, it is just I can't use my left arm at all. Wait a minute, isn't that why I am here in the first place. LOL Gotta keep your spirits up.