tbpi - first baby on the way - help!

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery

Re: tbpi - first baby on the way - help!

Post by buddyfan »

I echo all that has been said. I also found my baby responded to me very early, in that when I put my good hand on his side he would roll on to it, and then I could pick him up. I always carried him face out, it felt too insecure to hold him with him facing me. To this day I can't pick up a normal baby because they don't respond in the same way. His neck also strengthened much quicker than normal. As soon as he toddled I no longer picked him up, he used to climb into the car seat quite easily. He's now 11 and from being quite small he carried all my shopping bags for me. Also I see Mums at school, the kids hand all their bags to her, why???? Even if I was normal I don't see why they can't manage.
I was baby sitting a child who could walk but still in a cot. There was no way I could lift him so I built 'steps' out of nappy bags and held his hand while he climbed in.
Don't worry, you will find ways. I'm in the NCT(Uk mother's group) as a contact for one armed mums. I've always had calls to say someone will be contacting me for help but they never call. I think mums realise it's not as bad as you thought and they find ways of managing.
Have fun, good luck on the nappy changing husband. Mine only changed a nappy once or twice!

Re: tbpi - first baby on the way - help!

Post by buddyfan »

PS - Suzanna I didn't have a problem feeding but I know a mum who used one of those 'V' shaped pillows to help.
For the bath I had a sort of bath seat that the baby sat in and it stuck to the base of the bath. Presumably they must still make them.
However, I have just done a quick search and there seems to be an awful lot of safety issues with these seats, please do your own research, and NEVER ever leave a baby alone in one.
I'm sure babies don't need bathing every day anyway.