Back from surgery

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
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Back from surgery

Post by diargasm »

Hello everyone! My name is Andre, and I'm 16 years old. I had my operation on February 17th, 2004. That was about 6 months after my accident. The doctors in West LA Kaiser Permanente found out I had 3 avulsions (C5, C6, C7). They were able to transfer some nerve to try to make my elbow bend. So I guess I have to wait months to see if it was successful. They said the operation went very smoothly and I'm most likely going to get my bicep working.

After my surgery I was very sick & felt a bit like I was paralyzed. I couldn't talk much because I had a soar throat, I had 2 huge scars they opened up, I couldn't walk around because I was hooked up to an IV, and I my left arm felt very lazy. I regretted having the surgery after I woke up the next because of those reasons. It felt like I was trapped in there and I just layed in bed watching television for 5 hours straight. After shouting & crying for about 3 hours at my nurses & the doctors they let me go home. Now that I am home, I feel much better. But I'm worried about how well my bicep will work. And also, after my surgery my ring finger and my pinky became numb. Anyone know if this is just temporary?
Karl w/ a K
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Re: Back from surgery

Post by Karl w/ a K »

I know its tough going through surgery. You hope that when you wake up everything will be better, just like before the tbpi. But you really don't know what to expect, and that scares you. Then when you wake its like oh man, I hope this is going to be worth it. But each week you feel better and better. Just focus on something that you can injoy while your laid up. In no time you'll be up and about. Then one day you will start getting some movement back in that biceps. Then who knows...It sounds like they used part of your ulnar nerve to innervate your biceps. It will take a while for weakness in the fingers to improve. I wish you luck, and keep looking forward...Karl...
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Re: Back from surgery

Post by EllenB »


Congratulations on coming through your surgery with enough "oomph" to yell at doctors & nurses - and to get home so quickly! Karl is so right, that ultimate recovery will take time. I wanted to add that when you're told what to do, being disciplined about your physical therapy is extremely important. Without it, you won't have the full degree of movement and strength you & your doctors are expecting. It will be a slow process, so be patient.

Take care, and KEEP US POSTED!!

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Re: Back from surgery

Post by diargasm »

Is it impossible to get your arm to lift or to extend even with avulsed nerves? And what about wrist/finger extension? Are there any surgical procedures they can do to get those back? I've read each reply on the surgery thread and most of them have not given me any hope. I'm only 6 months into this injury and I'm really worried about my future.

Re: Back from surgery

Post by karlos »

Dont want to pass on false hope but i avulsed c5,6,7 and regained around 70% of movement back,but altho the same nerves are involved the damage can vary emensly.
But there is hope

wrist finger extention will prob be regained thru tendon transfers but that will be further down the line
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Re: Back from surgery

Post by Gianni »

How long after surgery did you get back 70%

Maureen aka Gianni's mom
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Re: Back from surgery

Post by diargasm »

70% arm function return or anything more than that is what my family is hoping for. What are you you able to do, and what can't you do? Thanks a lot for posting, your recovery has made my day much better.

Re: Back from surgery

Post by karlos »

Here is a timetable of events...

DIAGNOSIS left brachial plexus injury, avulsed roots C5, C6, C7.

4/6/97 Exploration of left bp neurotisation of accessory nerves to suprascapular nerve

2/7/97 Left intercostal nerve transfer 3rd - 7th motor branches to radial nerve,
Sensory branches to median nerve,
Intercostobrachial nerve to median nerve,
Oberlin's procedure, motor branches ulna nerve neurotized to nerve to biceps brachii,

Cross neck transfer discussed but waiting on results

27/12/2001 Tendon transfer , flexor to extensor

Mr. Simon Kay
St James

The results took around 2mth to see (shoulder area) but the total time frame was around 4 yrs

I can do most things, apart from lift my arm above shoulder hieght, the arm is nowhere near as strong as before about 50% but im very happy with the results

pain is a lot better then pre op and took around 18mth to subside
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Re: Back from surgery

Post by belllap »


after 1 year from my first surgery. I can drag an approx. 5lb. weight across a table (the result of a gracilis muscle). Also, I have very weak tricep, a little bit of bicep, and my shoulder became much stronger very soon post-op. in the second surgery (10 months ago) a second gracilis was used for finger flexion. my fingers are fairly strong now. I apologize I do not have any % values to give you.

please keep us posted on your progress and if you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me.

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Re: Back from surgery

Post by diargasm »

I've kept my arm in a sling ever since the surgery because I am scared of damaging one of the cuts. Now its very stiff, but I'm not sure its because I kept it in a sling for so long or because of the cuts that goes from my armpit to my elbow. Should I worry about this, or take care of it after the cuts are gone?