It hit me last night at Midnight.

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: It hit me last night at Midnight.

Post by admin »

Educate one one baby. That is all I pray for, that I can at least help spare a child of this injury. It makes all the world of difference to that one child and family.

However, part of me feels so sad and helpless at times because what really, really needs to be the scenario is this...............
Educate one a few babies. Educate the medical community and universities training these future almost all future babies.

I just pray in time we all come together to find a way to achieve this. I believe it is possible although it feels ENORMOUS. The higher we set our goals the more I believe we will achieve. I hope that someday UBPN can help organize and support such efforts.
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Re: It hit me last night at Midnight.

Post by njbirk »

You are absolutely correct and it is certainly a goal of UBPN to do exactly that. The work esp. that Kathleen Mallozzi is doing with UBPN's In Touch Committee is moving in that direction. She is working very hard with the federal agencies to get brachial plexus injuries recognized and counted as a birth injury. That's an important first step in approaching this at a national level.

Nancy Birk
UBPN President