When did your child crawl?

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: When did your child crawl?

Post by Kristie »

Ian scooted sitting up on his bottom (he hated being on his tummy so he never tried crawling until later just screamed and did his best to roll over!) at about 9 months and walked about 12 months. He did start actually crawling when he was about 18 months old.
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Re: When did your child crawl?

Post by Susie »

Sawyer crawled at 11 months and walked at 14 months. He didn't sit-up until 10 months. He had what they call high-tone so he was very stiff in the middle and it was quite a challenge to get him to bend in the middle.
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Re: When did your child crawl?

Post by christy »

katie walked at about 13 months with a SOL splint, and kind of scoot/crawl with the CAPS splint at 18 months but never really crawled after it came off until way after two. And even then it is not a normal crawl, we have to remind her to fix her hand flat (well, as flat as she can get it) and not crawl on her wrist. I thought she was going to be with Kathleen and say to heck with it but she started dance / tumbling a few weeks ago and loves to do forward rolls, thus getting some short spurts of weight bearing! Can't keep her off the sofa now, rolling, rolling...Kristie, one of my kids (not a BPI) scooted / hopped like that until they walked. Nickname was "frog" as that was what it looked like. Could out "run" you in a heart beat like that however!
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Re: When did your child crawl?

Post by claudia »

Juliana "scooted" on her butt until she walked. She started scooting when she was about 7 months old and she started walking at around 13 months. I was so glad she started walking when she did because we did mq at 14 months!

As for missing milestones...I really think it depends on the kid. Juliana missed language milestones and we did speech for a while. But as the youngest of 4 kids, she was rather motivated to move.

I think that more important than one or two milestones that are missed is a pattern of milestones that are missed. Remember also, our kids are so therapy-ized that they do somethings really early. Juliana has been skipping for almost a year (she is not yet 4). Her therapists worked on this because she had(has) weight-bearing and balance issues. Most of the regular kids can't skip yet! And the moms look at her and say "how did she learn to skip?" therapy, therapy, therapy!!!!!!

hope it helps,
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Re: When did your child crawl?

Post by angienbama »

Hey! Malloree never crawled. But she walked at 8 months, almost to the day.
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Re: When did your child crawl?

Post by Sally »

Michael started crawling around 13 months - just a week or so before his Mod Quad. Post MQ, he scooted around (we tried and tried to get him to crawl on all fours, but he just wouldn't...). He didn't walk (or even bear weight on his legs) until he was 19 months old.

tina arvizu
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Re: When did your child crawl?

Post by tina arvizu »

My daughter (age 3) never learned to crawl. She would scoot herself along on her butt. She didn't walk until she was 2. Now she runs all the time!