Halloween is around the corner....

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: Halloween is around the corner....

Post by CW1992 »

Michelle - I always love hearing your input!!:) Turkish Belly Dancer? Now that sounds fun!! I'm all for comfy! Hope you have a great time!
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Re: Halloween is around the corner....

Post by Melissa »

Justin is 3 and is going to be a fireman. He is very into fire trucks these days. My older daughter is 6 and she is going to be the Statue of Liberty. This was totally her idea. She said she wanted to be this because of what happened last year. We live right outside of NYC. We just go around the neighborhood. My kids are not into chocolate, lucky for me. I always make them pick the chocolate candies for mom. Enjoy, Melissa
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Re: Halloween is around the corner....

Post by m&mmom »

Melanie is going to be Captain Feathersword and Matthew is going to be Eeyore (Melanie's costume last year)
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Re: Halloween is around the corner....

Post by annedefiance »

Well, an update on Ben's costume, he decided to be a mouse when he saw one at the store today!! I guess its okay, I don't have to worry about making it, I'm just not very crafty.
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Re: Halloween is around the corner....

Post by staycee »

My Bailey (5) is gonna be Queen of the Spiders all done up in black with a web cape and spiders all over her body and we found a furry 2ft spider we put on a wire so she can walk it and Butchie(4 on sat) will be a blue power ranger last year we were redso I guess we'll go through them all but this year we're letting him have a bloody sword(ahhhh) but the child even asked for it for his B-day so we gave in, I guess its a boy thing!anyway we have a party and my hubby builds a maze that takes up half the yard out of wood, black plastic so needless to say everyone is in our yard til thanksgiving when he takes it down and then they cry but next year their right on him to see when its gioing up!oh yea we love halloween and I will be a dead bride and my hubby is a gargoil in a suit so we look like we're getting married. we're nuts!