TBPI Injury is a recoverable or not?

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery

TBPI Injury is a recoverable or not?

Post by trr_amesh »

Hello to all are here

This is from T.R.Ramesh, (Age: 33) India.

I have met with motor cycle accident on Jan-2006 and I had an injury of TRAUMATIC BRACHIAL PLEXUS PALSY - GLOBAL AVULSION (RIGHT). (C5, C6, C8 and T1)

Because of the TBPI, I went for surgery at Apollo hospital in Chennai (India) on Feb -2006. They have done \"Exploration and nerve transfer Right Brachial Plexus Spinal accessory to Suprascapular, Intercostals to Musculocutanes and Contra lateral C7 to Median nerve via Vascularised Ulnar nerve Graft\".

Please note that, as of now I am taking an Electronic Simulation treatment daily for keeping/maintain nerve and muscle alive.

I need a few quires/suggestion from all of here, for increase my self confident and mental preparation.

a) Still I am not feeling any improvement (positively) in surgery, which they have done on 2006, whether it is recoverable or not?

b) Still I am having 24-hour burning sensation and nerve temptation.
How long the pain will be? If any solutions for avoid the pain killer medicine?
Posts: 12
Joined: Thu Oct 02, 2008 2:30 am

Re: TBPI Injury is a recoverable or not?

Post by Bruce »

I had my accident in 1983. I had 2 nerve grafts without success. Lived with the pain for 9 years before I had a DREZ (dorsal root entry zone) lesion. The pain was gone for 15 years. The pain is back now and I am having a second DREZ soon. There are no drugs on the market that really helps for the pain. Have tried lots of them.

Re: TBPI Injury is a recoverable or not?

Post by trr_amesh »


Thanks for your information and How you are managing?

Now your injuried hands is having the movement for day today usage. Still if you are wearing a any sleeve for injuried hand.

DREZ (dorsal root entry zone) means what they will do whether it is surgery?

Where you did the DREZ and which hospital & Doctor

Shall i go for DREZ? it will solve my pain?

