scapulla strenthening

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scapulla strenthening

Post by admin »

my son of 6 years old he is BPI he under went surgery twice one nerve graft and the other acromioplasty. At present he is not having supination and the elbow bend is their 15 - 20 degres.[He tries to keep his hand half folding position]
He is having tightness in pectorals ,upper trapezius,biceps anterior deltoid so he is using scapular depressors for any of his work and the scapulla seems to be winging slightly while he over uses his hand.
please kindly sugesst regarding the improvement of his scapulla
condition .kindly sugest if ever he should under go surgical corrrection or through therapy
Thank You,

please kindl

Re: scapulla strenthening

Post by guest101 »

I'm afraid I can't help you, but I didn't want you to think you were being ignored. Most likely, those reading the posting are like me and don't have an answer for you. I have to rely on my specialist (Dr. Waters) for answers like this. Do you have a doctor you can speak with that specializes in BPI? I hope you are able to find the help you need for your son.
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Joined: Fri Oct 17, 2008 5:55 pm

Re: scapulla strenthening

Post by DASH1 »

Try checking out Dr. Pearl in Los Angeles. He's had success treating older children for loss of external rotation.