Silicon chip nerve implants?
Silicon chip nerve implants?
Has anyone seen these links before?
They're about a guy called Kevin Warwick who is doing research into silicon chip implants to control limb movements. It looks pretty interesting.
I was told about this stuff by a used car salesman! He's got a degree in Bio-something or other and seemed to know lots about it.
Anyway I looked it up and here it is..... ... 503552.stm
They're about a guy called Kevin Warwick who is doing research into silicon chip implants to control limb movements. It looks pretty interesting.
I was told about this stuff by a used car salesman! He's got a degree in Bio-something or other and seemed to know lots about it.
Anyway I looked it up and here it is..... ... 503552.stm
Re: Silicon chip nerve implants?
Blimey; mind boggling; I dunno about being attached to MY computer...too many lock-ups and blue 'death screens' for my liking!
What about all the error messages that we all know and know, things like "This program has performed an illegal operation" or "System overload; please close one or more programs to continue" or my personal favourite..."Keyboard not detected. Press any key to continue." (!!!??) Puts a whole new meaning on 'em, doesn't it?! ;0) Would you plug yourself into a spare parallel port, or go one better and use the USB?
I think we should be told!! hehehehee!... ;0) sorry, I'm sufferin from chocolate starvation...
Interesting tho....
What about all the error messages that we all know and know, things like "This program has performed an illegal operation" or "System overload; please close one or more programs to continue" or my personal favourite..."Keyboard not detected. Press any key to continue." (!!!??) Puts a whole new meaning on 'em, doesn't it?! ;0) Would you plug yourself into a spare parallel port, or go one better and use the USB?
I think we should be told!! hehehehee!... ;0) sorry, I'm sufferin from chocolate starvation...
Interesting tho....