Hope you are all well! anyone have any good exercises for your shoulder?
Hope you are all well! anyone have any good exercises for your shoulder?
Hey guys. just wondering if anyone has any good excercises to build up their shoulder? mine is obviously severely atrophed. but looks like i can move it away from my body slightly.
Re: Hope you are all well! anyone have any good exercises for your shoulder
Shaun, what I do is go in the pool. Outside of water, I have an extreme difficulty moving my shoulder, but under water, I'm fine, like a miracle. I built up my bicep that way and now I'm able to move my bicep outside of water.
Re: Hope you are all well! anyone have any good exercises for your shoulder
thanks Peter for your reply. i definitely have motion returning to my deltoid, tomorrow morning with a meeting with my surgeon, i guess i find out more about the result of my bicep. i think i can definitely move my bicep slightly. fingers crossed. looks like i can tense it. cant wait to have some motion back.
Re: Hope you are all well! anyone have any good exercises for your shoulder
Well after my appointment at the hospital today, seems that all three heads of my deltoid are finally firing. woo hoo. the bicep..using tinels sign still has maybe an inch i hope until it hits the activation point. However my OT said that my ability to slightly contract my bicep, using my left wrist movement as the activator, that some of the motor neurons might be firing. so fingers crossed i will see some further good improvement in the coming weeks.
god bless
god bless
Re: Hope you are all well! anyone have any good exercises for your shoulder
Wow! Congrats on your improvement! Keep up the good work!
Wow! Congrats on your improvement! Keep up the good work!
Re: Hope you are all well! anyone have any good exercises for your shoulder
what exactly is the tinels sign, and how does it tell how much more the never has to grow?
Re: Hope you are all well! anyone have any good exercises for your shoulder
well i had distall bypass nerve surgery on my LBP so i have a large scar on the inside of my left bicep, and on the outside..tricep. just about 12 inches of my 3 foot of scars so far lol.
tinels sign can be found by percussioning'tapping' on the region where the nerve is regrowing. a positive sign makes me feel an electrical shock/ pins and needles sensation in that point(where it has regrown to) in my arm as well as sending sensations to my hand and my middle/index fingers. over the past few months this sensation has moved down the inside of my arm..and is now i hope around an inch to the activation point...
tinels sign can be found by percussioning'tapping' on the region where the nerve is regrowing. a positive sign makes me feel an electrical shock/ pins and needles sensation in that point(where it has regrown to) in my arm as well as sending sensations to my hand and my middle/index fingers. over the past few months this sensation has moved down the inside of my arm..and is now i hope around an inch to the activation point...