Erbs Palsy and Ganglion Cyst--Hmm, Is There A Link?
Erbs Palsy and Ganglion Cyst--Hmm, Is There A Link?
Thought I'd post this message again for further response!
During Awareness Week 2001, I developed/noticed a Gangloin Cyst on my right wrist(BPI Side--Birth Injury). Is there a link between Ganglion Cysts and Erbs Palsy? Previous responses have indicated that the possibility of a link between the two injuries may infact be related to each other. Therefore, I am interested in hearing further dicussion regarding this topic.
A Ganglion Cyst is "a greek word meaning ""a knot of tissue."""..."One explanation is that [ganglion cysts] occur where there is a weak place in a joint capsule that develops a ""blow out"" (source:
For further information concerning Ganglion Cysts please see the following websites:
Again, as previously stated, thank you to those who have already expressed their exeriences/opinions. In addition, thank you in advance for any further response to this topic.
P.S. To digress from the subject above, hey, I like the new message board--Thank you UBPN for the changes!
During Awareness Week 2001, I developed/noticed a Gangloin Cyst on my right wrist(BPI Side--Birth Injury). Is there a link between Ganglion Cysts and Erbs Palsy? Previous responses have indicated that the possibility of a link between the two injuries may infact be related to each other. Therefore, I am interested in hearing further dicussion regarding this topic.
A Ganglion Cyst is "a greek word meaning ""a knot of tissue."""..."One explanation is that [ganglion cysts] occur where there is a weak place in a joint capsule that develops a ""blow out"" (source:
For further information concerning Ganglion Cysts please see the following websites:
Again, as previously stated, thank you to those who have already expressed their exeriences/opinions. In addition, thank you in advance for any further response to this topic.
P.S. To digress from the subject above, hey, I like the new message board--Thank you UBPN for the changes!
Re: Erbs Palsy and Ganglion Cyst--Hmm, Is There A Link?
Hi Paul
I am birth injured right arm. I use to call it Erb's because that was the only name I knew now only call it OBPI...LOL..its easier to type too!
I thought the following website would be very interesting to you . Many of the disorders appear to be connected with OBPI injury and perhaps that are secondary to OBPI because of the long term involvement of the brachial plexus area.
I found the site interesting especially when I discovered one of the complaints I have about my obpi hand was described to a tee on the site. I will bring that page with me next time I go to doctor.
Hope this helps
Cumulative Trauma Disorders
I am birth injured right arm. I use to call it Erb's because that was the only name I knew now only call it OBPI...LOL..its easier to type too!
I thought the following website would be very interesting to you . Many of the disorders appear to be connected with OBPI injury and perhaps that are secondary to OBPI because of the long term involvement of the brachial plexus area.
I found the site interesting especially when I discovered one of the complaints I have about my obpi hand was described to a tee on the site. I will bring that page with me next time I go to doctor.
Hope this helps
Cumulative Trauma Disorders