Valsalva Manauver and pain onset
Valsalva Manauver and pain onset
I was trying to see what triggers the feeling of nausea just before I get the pain and discomfort in my neck and shoulders. I found in my research the above thing where you clear your ears from pressure by holding the nose and keeping your lips shut, and pushing from the diaphragm to 'pop' the ears. Because I have also had my ears get stuffy after PT for the whiplash. Lots of neck manipulations, with nausea and dizziness. Soooo, last night I did this to see what would happen and got only the right one to pop, 2x, the left (injured side) wouldn't. So I waited, 20 seconds later the neck starts to stiffen, muscles in the upper chest wall and armpit start to tighten. The heart rate kicks up a bit, the shoulders start to hurt, arm goes numb and weak, and my jaw and chin muscles get tight. (Uh yep, bad thing to do, but I had to find out because it helps to explain why I get these episodes of sudden pain). Well last night it got a bit better while I rested, and then got worse the moment I started to move around. So painkiller night.
This morning I feel okay, but later I am watering the veggies and had been pulling the hose a bit, when I start getting this again. I realize now that I tend sometimes, to hold my breath when I am exerting some force. I am bracing my torso when I pull or shift my weight to move. I could have done this Friday morning while shifting in the seat waiting for PT to come get me. I have also discovered a name for it, 'Perilymph Fistula'. In other words, a hole in the inner ear. All the 'earmarks' (LOL!) of this problem, and low and behold, the cause too, whiplash. The only thing I don't get is why it makes the pain start? There is one thing mentioned that the hole might be causing some change in the balance of the spinal fluid, and this is why I get the stuffed head feeling and all the pain starting at the base of the neck and it could be this imbalance of fluids that's doing 'something'. But what it is, I have no clue. I need an expert.
Think that idiot neurologist could wrap his brain around this one? I doubt it.
Message was edited by: Wendy Lee
This morning I feel okay, but later I am watering the veggies and had been pulling the hose a bit, when I start getting this again. I realize now that I tend sometimes, to hold my breath when I am exerting some force. I am bracing my torso when I pull or shift my weight to move. I could have done this Friday morning while shifting in the seat waiting for PT to come get me. I have also discovered a name for it, 'Perilymph Fistula'. In other words, a hole in the inner ear. All the 'earmarks' (LOL!) of this problem, and low and behold, the cause too, whiplash. The only thing I don't get is why it makes the pain start? There is one thing mentioned that the hole might be causing some change in the balance of the spinal fluid, and this is why I get the stuffed head feeling and all the pain starting at the base of the neck and it could be this imbalance of fluids that's doing 'something'. But what it is, I have no clue. I need an expert.
Think that idiot neurologist could wrap his brain around this one? I doubt it.
Message was edited by: Wendy Lee