tendon transfers
Re: tendon transfers
Hi Athos,
That will be quite some time in plaster,will that be 5/6 weeks in total,I was only in pot for 10 days then they put a plastic splint on and started mild physio the same day,just shows how different surgeons have there own ideas.
when the physio started i found i could passivly(manualy)bend my fingers ok ,but activly (no help) the tendons are realy tight and this took about a week to free up.
My physio has said back to heavy work around 8 weeks post op but she told me of someone who stretched a tendon into his 7th week and had to go through it all again , so i supose your doc taking the conservative approach is v wise,but i'm sure youll find all the hard work is worth it.
That will be quite some time in plaster,will that be 5/6 weeks in total,I was only in pot for 10 days then they put a plastic splint on and started mild physio the same day,just shows how different surgeons have there own ideas.
when the physio started i found i could passivly(manualy)bend my fingers ok ,but activly (no help) the tendons are realy tight and this took about a week to free up.
My physio has said back to heavy work around 8 weeks post op but she told me of someone who stretched a tendon into his 7th week and had to go through it all again , so i supose your doc taking the conservative approach is v wise,but i'm sure youll find all the hard work is worth it.
Re: tendon transfers
Thanks for the update Athos. Been wondering how you are getting along. Four weeks will be here in no time, even though I'm sure it will seem an eternity. Hang in there, you and Karl will be arm wrestling before you know it........well........maybe down the road a piece. So.....who should I put my money on ???

- Posts: 33
- Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2001 1:36 pm
Re: tendon transfers
I would personally go for Athos.......Don't worry Karl I won't mention the shandy drinking habit. Oppss!!!
Re: tendon transfers
Yep...haven't met Athos yet, but I dunno; Karl has been layin bricks for a bluddy long time now...hhmmmm....should we open a 'book' and start takin bets, Marc??
..could be the highlight of the next meetin/gathering....waddya say, guys? you up for a spot of arm wrestlin then? ;0)
..could be the highlight of the next meetin/gathering....waddya say, guys? you up for a spot of arm wrestlin then? ;0)
Re: tendon transfers
you cheeky minkys,
I'm game for a bit of mud wrestlin,spesh if theres some wenches to join in.......How about Liz & Jenny
I'm game for a bit of mud wrestlin,spesh if theres some wenches to join in.......How about Liz & Jenny
Re: tendon transfers
I'll do a nice clean fair arm wrestle, but I don't know about the mud thing and the wenches. U see I'm a clean guy...but i'll be happy to watch you with the wenches doing the mud thing...
- Posts: 1183
- Joined: Fri Nov 02, 2001 5:24 pm
- Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: January 1980 Yamaha RD200 vs 16 wheeler truck, result, 1 totally paralysed right arm. I was 21, now 54. I had no surgery, I don't regret this. Decided to totally ignore limitations (easily done aged 21) adapted very quickly to one handed life, got married, had 3 kids, worked- the effect of the injury on my life (once the pain stopped being constant) was minimal and now, aged 54, I very rarely even think of it, unless I bash it or it gets cold, then I wish I'd had it amputated :) Except for a steering knob on my car, I have no adaptations to help with life, mainly because I honestly don't think of myself as disabled and the only thing I can't do is peel potatoes, which is definitely a good thing.
Re: tendon transfers
ha karlos cheeky minky yerself....i reckon u wouldn't feel so safe offering to take on me & lizee mud wrestling if i wasn't 12,000 miles away, we'd wipe the floor with yer mate an you know it!!! still, it's bin a while since anyone called me a wench, makes a change from wifey or muuuuuuuuum :0)
Re: tendon transfers
Yeah my surgeon was quite agressive when it came to physio therapy. 3 weeks after undergoing a 10 hour surgery I was back trying to move it or having my PT move it for me. Basically as soon as the splint / cast was off I was into see the PT every other day.
Heal quick guy's
Heal quick guy's
Re: tendon transfers
Yeah lizzy I don't do that arm wrestle thingy anymore...didn't they tell ya ?
Re: tendon transfers
Hey I'd mud wrestle you gals anytime...DON'T EVER DARE ME TO DO ANYTHING............
I've been looking for a fine scottish lass....but they are so ard to find here.
I've been looking for a fine scottish lass....but they are so ard to find here.