"Everyone Has a Story"
"Everyone Has a Story"
Ok, So on Friday my friend presented a program where he talked about his life, moving from one country to America, being a minority and coming out of the closet, and how all of that made him become who he is today.
I was really effected by his program and I was thinking about doing something similar about growing up with a disability, especially one that is almost invisible. I just have to get up the nerve I think, I'm also afraid no one would want to go. Mostly I'm afraid to put myself out there but I think it would be really good. Does anybody have any advise? I thought I'd ask and see if you guys had any insight, maybe how BPI has changed you or places to get info to hand out. Also, if anyone's going to be in or around Rochester, NY let me know, we can have lunch:)
I was really effected by his program and I was thinking about doing something similar about growing up with a disability, especially one that is almost invisible. I just have to get up the nerve I think, I'm also afraid no one would want to go. Mostly I'm afraid to put myself out there but I think it would be really good. Does anybody have any advise? I thought I'd ask and see if you guys had any insight, maybe how BPI has changed you or places to get info to hand out. Also, if anyone's going to be in or around Rochester, NY let me know, we can have lunch:)
Re: story
This is a tough subject. Putting one's self out there.
I was always afraid to do that! But then again I never had any real information to share. I did not know I could educate and perhaps prevent injury...
Two years ago I made my first speech on obpi/bpi in general. I belong to a woman's club for many years so I guess you might say I choose a safe audience. I still was not sure because you know that many do not really pay attention to our arms... most people just think our movements are awkward...
My voice shook I was very nervous. But two or three of the "girls" encouraged me to step up and speak about it. They really did not know what was wrong with me but really encouraged me for me...
I started to speak and the passion for prevention took over and the words began to flow... in the end I handed out packets of Awareness material along with the questions for Expectant Mothers... to the entire room. Some were nurses and some were studying to become Nurse Practitioners and had not really been given any information on OBPI... in the end I did the right thing for me and now As a result of my speech and handouts three babies who were too large to be delivered normally were delivered safely because the parents had the knowledge and choose C-Sections and even those deliveries were difficult... but I feel I accomplished something. Was it great ? Did I make a real impact? I am not sure - but this year one of the ladies who encouraged me - directed two new parents with obpi babies to me for support. If I had not given that speech these parents would still be wondering what was wrong with their babies and where to go for support... so it was a good thing and I was so scared...
Now I will pull out Motherly advice I gave my children on everything... "would-da, should-da and if only I had" are the saddest words in the world...
Trying and perhaps falling on your face is so much better then doing nothing... If you try and fail more to your credit for being brave enough to try...
I wish you well on what ever you do and what ever choice you make ... this is a very hard choice and only you know how you will feel if you fail to reach them... but remember not every success is visible immediately some may not show up for many years... you never know how a simple act may change/save someone in the future...
Let's us know how you make out and what you decide... What ever you decide please make a choice that is comfortable for you now...
Oh... and Awareness week I am speaking in the Library on BPI... someone tried to discourage me... and 5/6 others said it was time to do it again!... Now I know that every time we share our story or information we touch lives and perhaps prevent an injury...
This is a tough subject. Putting one's self out there.
I was always afraid to do that! But then again I never had any real information to share. I did not know I could educate and perhaps prevent injury...
Two years ago I made my first speech on obpi/bpi in general. I belong to a woman's club for many years so I guess you might say I choose a safe audience. I still was not sure because you know that many do not really pay attention to our arms... most people just think our movements are awkward...
My voice shook I was very nervous. But two or three of the "girls" encouraged me to step up and speak about it. They really did not know what was wrong with me but really encouraged me for me...
I started to speak and the passion for prevention took over and the words began to flow... in the end I handed out packets of Awareness material along with the questions for Expectant Mothers... to the entire room. Some were nurses and some were studying to become Nurse Practitioners and had not really been given any information on OBPI... in the end I did the right thing for me and now As a result of my speech and handouts three babies who were too large to be delivered normally were delivered safely because the parents had the knowledge and choose C-Sections and even those deliveries were difficult... but I feel I accomplished something. Was it great ? Did I make a real impact? I am not sure - but this year one of the ladies who encouraged me - directed two new parents with obpi babies to me for support. If I had not given that speech these parents would still be wondering what was wrong with their babies and where to go for support... so it was a good thing and I was so scared...
Now I will pull out Motherly advice I gave my children on everything... "would-da, should-da and if only I had" are the saddest words in the world...
Trying and perhaps falling on your face is so much better then doing nothing... If you try and fail more to your credit for being brave enough to try...
I wish you well on what ever you do and what ever choice you make ... this is a very hard choice and only you know how you will feel if you fail to reach them... but remember not every success is visible immediately some may not show up for many years... you never know how a simple act may change/save someone in the future...
Let's us know how you make out and what you decide... What ever you decide please make a choice that is comfortable for you now...
Oh... and Awareness week I am speaking in the Library on BPI... someone tried to discourage me... and 5/6 others said it was time to do it again!... Now I know that every time we share our story or information we touch lives and perhaps prevent an injury...