United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • abnormal walking - curved back - related to bpi?
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abnormal walking - curved back - related to bpi?

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:24 pm
by ColesMama
My son is now 17-months old, born with a bpi to the right arm. He is walking all over the place and has a funny walk. It's as if his affected shoulder is raised higher than the other shoulder, thereby curving his whole trunk and back, and even that hip is higher, and he's developing tightness in the rib area of the left (non-affected) side from leaning that way. His PT says that this is NOT consistent with other kids with bpi's that she has seen, that other kids have had normal trunks with no curving like this when they walk. She's thinking that he might have something else going on unrelated to his injury. I have a hard time believing it's not related, so I'm interested to know if anyone else has experienced this type of walking? I might be able to post a picture somehow if I'm not describing it well enough.

Thank you!!

Re: abnormal walking - curved back - related to bpi?

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:41 pm
by katep
That is not consistent with my experience either. There are some who claim that scoliosis is more common in BPI kids, but they are almost always referring to idiopathic scoliosis which shows up after puberty. That may or may not be the case, and most doctors disagree that BPI increases risk for that type of scoliosis. But something showing up at 17 months old is not common. I would definitely look into it ASAP, as scoliosis which shows up that early is almost always associated with spine deformities which make the spine grow abnormally. If that is the case, the earlier the treatment the better.


Re: abnormal walking - curved back - related to bpi?

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 7:16 pm
by Carolyn J
Hopefully, you will be able to get an Evaluation with a BPI Specialist soon for your son. At least 2 Consultations have usually been recommended on earlier Topic Threads on these Forums. There is a Medical Resources Link on our home page.
....And Welcome to our UBPN Family "Colesmom". you are welcome on all Forum messages Boards. There isno such thing as a dumb question except the one not asked.

Carolyn J

Re: abnormal walking - curved back - related to bpi?

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:57 am
by brittwitt
I have a moderate LOBPI and have pretty bad scoliosis. I wore a back brace for awhile in high school but haven't needed surgery. I lean towards my injured side and my spine makes an "S". I lean that when all the time: standing, walking, sitting. My posture is way better after I started strengthening my core muscles though. My affected shoulder is much lower than the other, instead of higher like your son's. I think I was diagnosed around 4 which is pretty young as well. I saw a doctor that specialized in scoliosis. I always believed that the injury to my arm caused the imbalance and curvature of my spine, but since I saw different doctors for each problem I never really got a confirmation that one caused the other. Maybe see a spine doctor about this issue? Treating it now could stop it from getting worse!

-Brittney 20, LOBPI

Re: abnormal walking - curved back - related to bpi?

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 6:27 pm
by ColesMama
Thank you for responding! The more I look at him, it seems as if his affected shoulder isn't really raised, but he definitely has a curve around the left rib cage/spine. The PT did mention scoliosis, too! Interesting that there may or may not be a connection with his bpi injury. We have a follow-up with his BPI specialist in September, so I will probably wait until then to see who he recommends I take him to in order to look into his spine for deformities. His ribs also splay outward. It seems as if the more I researched this site and talked to parents with kids with bpi's, the more I realized it probably isn't related. I'm hoping he just needs a back brace like you, Brittney! I don't know anything about scoliosis - so more research begins! :)


Re: abnormal walking - curved back - related to bpi?

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:22 am
by Carolyn J
((((((((((((((HUGGZ))))))))))))))) for Cole & you too, Karyn.
"gramma" Carolyn J

Re: abnormal walking - curved back - related to bpi?

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 12:30 pm
by ColesMama
Thank you, I do need the hugs right now! I've been researching and the pictures look just like him. :( Poor little guy seems to have enough to deal with!

Re: abnormal walking - curved back - related to bpi?

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 12:51 pm
by jmar
he is adorable. you are doing an awesome job with him.

Re: abnormal walking - curved back - related to bpi?

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 3:30 pm
by Tuckersmommy
He is indeed VERY cute...sorry to hear of your problem :|

Re: abnormal walking - curved back - related to bpi?

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 3:28 pm
by ColesMama
Hey everyone -

I just remembered that I had wanted to post a follow-up to this, in case anyone searches this issue in the future. Cole's back was x-rayed by the top scoliosis specialist out here, and his back it straight as an arrow. So what seems to be the case is that he is doing some sort of compensation for his arm that is not typical for his injury, but it just how he has developed. We don't really have a great answer, but it does seem to get better as he grows.
