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by laceyj
Tue Jun 10, 2008 3:14 am
Forum: Adult and Young Adult OBPI
Replies: 5
Views: 1371


<t>Hi <br/> <br/> As a fellow Australian with an OBPI I feel your pain - you've had a crappy experience - but not all doc's in australia are ignorant of our injuries (or unwilling to help). I think we definitely do get the short end of the stick, though, simply because of our population size. Fewer ...
by laceyj
Mon May 19, 2008 5:42 am
Forum: Adult and Young Adult OBPI
Topic: Dating and explaining/discussing OBPI
Replies: 8
Views: 2029

Re: Dating and explaining/discussing OBPI

Thanks all :)

So far, so good. I'm dating a guy who it turns out has a bit of a nervous stutter (apparently I'm pretty intimidating - who knew!)... so we now have the added benefit of both being a little bit different :)

27yo ROBPI
by laceyj
Mon May 05, 2008 8:06 am
Forum: Adult and Young Adult OBPI
Topic: Dating and explaining/discussing OBPI
Replies: 8
Views: 2029

Dating and explaining/discussing OBPI

<r>Hi all <br/> <br/> Ok - so I'm just gonna jump straight into the issue:<br/> <br/> 18 months after being separating from my partner of 5 yrs I've finally decided to jump back into the dating game...and while I'm resigned to the fact that there's no way I'm going to lose 30kilos (not sure what tha...
by laceyj
Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:54 am
Forum: Adult and Young Adult OBPI
Topic: Does anyone else have awkward moments?
Replies: 10
Views: 2741

Re: Does anyone else have awkward moments?

<r>Agghh! Drive thru's are the bane of my life - whenever I need to reach for change I have to use my bpi arm because its on the window side: so i twist it so my palm is up, hold my wrist steady with my good arm and then try and get my hand to close over the cash before it falls out.... and all the ...
by laceyj
Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:40 am
Forum: Adult and Young Adult OBPI
Topic: New pain - any thoughts
Replies: 1
Views: 797

New pain - any thoughts

<r>Hi all<br/> <br/> I've been going to physio for a couple of weeks following what my doctor though was a hamstring injury and some back pain. She figured the back pain was just a side effect of already compensating for my right side (my bpi injured side) and now compensating for a seriously tight ...
by laceyj
Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:28 am
Forum: Adult and Young Adult OBPI
Topic: Cyst on BPI hand
Replies: 3
Views: 980

Re: Cyst on BPI hand

<t>it's sad to say but i think cysts are just part of life with BPI injuries. Just keep in mind that they won't always be restricted to your BPI arm either - I had a ganglion that liked to pop in and out on my BPI wrist and when I finally had the silly thing removed another one turned up on my non-B...
by laceyj
Tue Mar 11, 2008 8:02 am
Forum: Adult and Young Adult OBPI
Topic: Driving
Replies: 9
Views: 2042

Re: Driving

<r>It sucks that people make assumptions when they know nothing about our limitations! And I completely understand what you're going through.. I went through a very similar experience the first time I went for my licence - the main problem being that as I'm ROBPI and we drive on the left hand side o...
by laceyj
Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:29 am
Forum: Adult and Young Adult OBPI
Topic: Gyms! SO Frustrating!
Replies: 2
Views: 1164

Gyms! SO Frustrating!

<r>Hi all<br/> <br/> I've just been to the gym for one of those program reviews and now really feel the need to vent!!! I don't know how to make it any easier for the trainers - I'm very specific about my arm/back/other problems but I also always make it clear that I'm willing to try any exercise on...
by laceyj
Thu Jan 03, 2008 7:39 am
Forum: Adult and Young Adult OBPI
Topic: Do you think to use your affected arm?
Replies: 13
Views: 2483

Re: Do you think to use your affected arm?

<t>I grew up in a family of dancers and found that even though I may have looked a bit different to everyone else with my BPI arm, that activity of using my arm each week, however little, certainly helped me to maintain my range of motion (although that's still fairly limited. And since I've stopped...
by laceyj
Sun Nov 18, 2007 8:11 am
Forum: Adult and Young Adult OBPI
Topic: Surgery on what type of injury...
Replies: 2
Views: 717

Surgery on what type of injury...

<t>Hi all!<br/> <br/> Just hoping to hear from people who have had surgery as adults and was wondering what type if injuries you had in the first place....<br/> <br/> I have a right sided C5 rupture (nerve torn but not near the spine) and C7 avulsion (nerve torn at base of the spine) and my local ne...