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by alyssasmome
Fri May 10, 2002 1:46 pm
Forum: Parents of OBPI Children
Topic: Our trial news...
Replies: 21
Views: 3121

Re: Our trial news...


I am truly sorry you lost the trial. The doctor and the rest of the "liars" should be ashamed of themselves. Know in your heart you did the best you could for your child and know in the future she will be grateful for everything you have done for her.

Jody G.
by alyssasmome
Mon May 06, 2002 10:44 am
Forum: Parents of OBPI Children
Topic: Hi, my name is Paula
Replies: 73
Views: 10832

Re: Hi, my name is Paula

<t>Hi all,<br/> <br/> My name is Jody and I have 2 children - Alyssa with left OBPI born September 1, 1997 and Tyler who will be 2 on May 23 (whom I had via c-section). Alyssa has had 3 surgeries thus far, the most recent being the Capsulodesis which has done wonders for her! We live in the Los Ange...
by alyssasmome
Tue Apr 16, 2002 4:16 pm
Forum: Parents of OBPI Children
Replies: 3
Views: 912


You probably should contact Lisa Thompson and/or Angel her assistant at (888) 328-8215! Hope this helps.
by alyssasmome
Mon Apr 15, 2002 11:18 am
Forum: Parents of OBPI Children
Topic: Great "THERAPY" Video
Replies: 12
Views: 1444

Re: Great

Oh yes - Wiggles are very popular in our house! My sister-in-law bought my little boy Tyler a video for Christmas and now he walks around the house singing "Hot Potato" "Hot Potato" etc!! Alyssa really likes them too!

by alyssasmome
Mon Apr 15, 2002 11:15 am
Forum: Parents of OBPI Children
Topic: Splint off during the day!!!!!
Replies: 5
Views: 1014

Re: Splint off during the day!!!!!

<t>Hi Karrie,<br/> <br/> Our kids are truly amazing aren't they? I am glad Kyle did well with the removal of the splint. The elbow will be tight for about 3 weeks according to our therapist. We are taking that very slowly and just bending it a little more each day.<br/> <br/> As far as the splint at...
by alyssasmome
Tue Apr 09, 2002 11:02 am
Forum: Parents of OBPI Children
Topic: RE: Splint is off
Replies: 2
Views: 634

RE: Splint is off

<t>Hi - Regarding Alyssa and her not having to wear the splint for 8 more weeks. <br/> <br/> Dr. Nath specifically said he only wanted her to wear the splint 8 weeks total, and didn't want it removed during the 8 weeks at all, however he did say an occasional bath with the arm in the splinted positi...
by alyssasmome
Mon Apr 08, 2002 4:06 pm
Forum: Parents of OBPI Children
Topic: SPLINT IS OFF!!! :)
Replies: 7
Views: 1216


<r>Hi,<br/> <br/> Today is Alyssa's 8 week mark and the splint is off!! She is so excited to not have to wear it anymore. We met with the therapist at 7:30 this morning and she slowly removed the splint and helped Alyssa to get her arm down. She did so well it was truly amazing. Her elbow is a bit s...