United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • SENSORY INTERGRATION DYSFUNCTION? - Page 7
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Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 2:51 pm
by Carolyn J
Gayle,...You and Brandon are sooo PRECIOUS!! It REALLY helps to keep that sense of humor...you'll get thru anything; it's wonderful that his teacher "gets" him & will listen to you two. It won't be long & B. will be able to communicate his SI feelings & "overload" when he needs too for himself. You guys are 1/2 way there....
My son Scott didn't wear ANY short sleeves(Polos ONLY, still to this day @ 35!)until he was 17; even when we lived in the hot & humid Philadelphia and Washington DC until he was 10. We moved to Washingtron State then, & it took 7 more years for short sleeves. He never wore short pants or cut offs & still won't. I have only seen his legs when he played Sp.Oylmpic Summer sports and only Basketball.
He has the longest, handsomest legs & I never get to see them since he started to dress himself & ALWAYS behind closed doors. SI CAN be light-hearted & not a "downer", please believe me. It took until 5 yrs ago, but now I can tease him a little about me not having the gift of reading his mind, any more! He is also a "Tagless" wearer of clothing and I believe he will always be. He insists on Buzz haircuts & wants to shave his head completely because he hates combs and/or a brush...It really is fun being around him now and watching how he handles these SI issues for himself!
Hugs all around,
Carolyn J


Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 3:15 pm
by brandonsmom
Brandon would never sit still for a haircut until about 1 year ago. Well, he would sit but he would white knuckle the chair till his hands turned blue. The hairstylist hated to see us walk in the door. Now he loves it, but, he too must have it really, really short and when it gets just a tad bit too long, off we go to the barber again.....oh, I can't forget, don't even use those clippers. Bad, bad idea. I keep the SI lighthearted on purpose. I cannot see stressing over something that is being taken care of and actually, I consider some of his SI cute. Getting Dressed behind closed doors.....oh yeah, I forgot about that one. GAYLE :0)


Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 6:22 pm
by Carolyn J
Yep Gayle! You've "gotten IT"!!!...
Hugs and a Special hug for Brandon,
Carolyn J


Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 3:52 pm
by admin
A doctor recommended my child get sensory intergration. Does anybody know anything about this Topic that can help me with what i am trying to get my child help for


Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 4:05 pm
by admin
Hi guy's new mom here, and i've read some of your topics and my self has identified some of the issues that you guys have with your children in my own if it won't hurt i would like to keep in touch with you all for support my daughter is eight years old and she does'nt like combs or brushes herself as soon as i get them ready to do her hair she throws them so far and so fast it is unbelievalble in the blink of an eye everything is gone. it is hilarious. She definitely has some SI issues according to her doctor and i just need to know if you know any help that i can get to help my baby. Thank You Tia.


Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 10:19 am
by Carolyn J
Bumping up...new questions, & there always will be, huh?!!
Carolyn J


Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 8:25 am
by brandonsmom
Bumping up for those with new questions.....besides I think this one should be a permanent bump !!! I have learned sooooo much from this thread..... GAYLE mom of Brandon ROBPI 7 1/2


Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 2:29 pm
by Amy Clark
I thought my daughter was the only child that had to walk around the house in only her underwear. I would never in a million years have guessed that it had to do with her BPI!! Our house seems like Grand Central, so we have gotten our fair share of funny looks when my daughter walks in the room. Right now she's only four, so its not really an issue, but sometimes I wonder what will happen when she gets a little older, because she doesn't seem to be getting any better at all with the clothing issue - if anything, its gotten worse.


Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 2:51 pm
by Kath
It gets better!
I had to get BIG bathrobes as a child.
Even now I like big soft fleece robes with out to many seams. The seams cannot be sewn with nylon plastic thread... UGH!

I noticed some stores are starting to stamp the labels into the shirts instead of having a tag... yeah!
I usually try to wear things a few times without cutting the tag then get so annoyed I am tugging and pulling at them and getting who ever is around to just cut the darn things out!
You would think I would be smart enough to just cut them out when I first wear buy them... LOL...

Kath ( adult/robpi)


Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 3:27 pm
by Amy Clark
I never thought about a bathrobe! I should get her one so we can throw it on her when people come to the door. Basically, if she's home, the clothes are off. I agree about the new tagless shirts - NONE of her shirts have tags on them - you would think we were torturing her. All of these issues I never would have contributed to her BPI. I guess I need to be a little more sensitive to her needs. I thought I was, but I don't know what she is feeling. It's so hard!!