United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Introductions thanks to 20/20...lurkers welcome - Page 6
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Re: Introductions thanks to 20/20...lurkers welcome

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2002 3:34 pm
by Michael
Lyn, my heart goes out to you and your family. Like Kath, you are in my prayers. Feel free to email me anytime. God Bless.

Steph, learned hanging around the kitchen ( a little TOO much)....LOL!!! Got your pics, thanks. Conclusion, all us BPI's are good looking.....heh heh!!!

Sharon, you're right, it will indeed be heaven!!!

Hey, Captain Kath, where to next?

Re: Introductions thanks to 20/20...lurkers welcome

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2002 12:02 am
by Stephanie
Hi All!
Lyn, I'm glad you posted. I know you are worried about getting another virus on your computer. If you need to talk, we are here for you! Your family is in my prayers. Write to me anytime, my friend!
As far as Joel's bpi is concerned, you and your husband have been doing a wonderful job...and I agree!
Giving love and encouragement are as important as anything else you could possibly do for a child with this injury.
Take Care,

Re: Introductions thanks to 20/20...lurkers welcome

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2002 12:18 am
by admin
Sorry, to interupt the rowing discussion. I know that I have occassionally told my quick story. But I love everyone so much and this site makes me feel right at home.

I am Traci, a 23 year old with Right bpi. I weighed in at 11 lbs. 4 oz. and pround of it. (Sorry mom) Anyway, I grew up thinking I was the only one. And I chose to call it Erb's Palsy due to the ease of remembering it. My favorite times were the days I left school for PT. Yes the nuns who stretched me in ways normal people don't stretch got on my nerves a little. But I got luch at Pizza Hut with my mom.

I used to just think one arm was a little weaker, I was never "disabled" of course. Once I got in my senior year in high school I found out I could get money for having a disability and going to college. Then I decided I was "disabled".

I can put my hair in a pony tail, with help from a wall. I can't hold a glass or can. With lots of manipulating I can eat with a fork. I learned to jump rope. And I am very stubborn thanks to my bpi, because I always insisted I can do everything that others can. Mostly when it came to strength. Now I have to learn how to ask for help.

This is my biggest and hardest challenge yet. I know that no good will come from overusing my good arm and over abusing my bad. But I'm still stubborn. My boss at work tries to decide for me when somethings to heavy or I should ask for help. That is my start!

Hi, I am Traci and I need to ask for help more often.
(Sorry I felt like being a goof)

I will go for now but, I really want to thank you all. It really means a lot to read the humor, and stories, just like mine.

Re: Introductions thanks to 20/20...lurkers welcome

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2002 5:33 pm
by Kathleen
Hi Traci

Loved your story about gym.... I hated it too...we have all told our horror stories on that subject....LOL... Stubborn... is part of who we are...that is not disabled...LOL...

If I had known I could have gone to college on my obpi.... I would have used the word disabled... I had to support my Mom...so I had to work... but if we knew I could have gotten help... Disabled I would have been.... LOL....

You really do have to take care of the unaffected arm... and you are young.... so all us old folks will sit back and let you row.... LOL...

Now were do we go.... cruise Europe.. but need warm weather but have to stop in Scotland for Janny... where is she.... she has not posted...

Traci... I love the wall bit for the hair... that is what I do put the dryer in obpi hand... rest it up on the wall and do the hair...LOL.... I guess we all need to hit the wall... to do our hair... not sure.

Still no boys for the trip... do only girls get obpi... what happened to all the boys.. ????


Re: Introductions thanks to 20/20...lurkers welcome

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2002 9:04 pm
by Stephanie
Hi Tracy,
I'm 51, left OBPI just in case you don't know me from my posts.
It makes me glad to hear the way you feel about us...to care about and support each other is the best thing we can do!
You are lucky to have a boss who cares about you injury at work. Things are almost the opposite on my job. I work in a library, and part of the job my department does is to ship library books back and forth arcoss the country. Today my partner that does the "packaging" was off, and the woman who was supposed to wrap books sat, drank coffee, and ran around pretending to be busy so she didn't have to help me. Three people pretty much watched me struggle with tape and boxes for a whole hour...not one supervisor said a word. Oh brother...am I throwing myself a "pity party" here or what? Anyway, what I'm trying to say is this...take the help when it's offered and don't feel bad to ask for it, either. I was the same way at your age, but it was easier for me to do the jobs I can't do today without help. The good arm becomes affected! I think that because I've worked at my job for so long (27 years) and could do so much myself with one arm, people just assume I still can.
Oh, and as for these co-workers, they also like to make comments about two of the supervisors who wear hearing aids looking "ridiculous" while they are talking to each other...so...I can't take these kind of people seriously. You will find folks like them throughout your life, as well as some very wonderful ones who hopefully will make up for them!
Take Care and keep posting,

Re: Introductions thanks to 20/20...lurkers welcome

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2002 4:39 pm
by Kathleen
Pat said she was booking the boat in Myrtle beach...

but all she could find is one horse...with our luck it will probably have a bpi......

Now what... Calgon take me away... Easter is over the candy is gone... and I need a rest...


Re: Introductions thanks to 20/20...lurkers welcome

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2002 1:58 am
by admin
Hi, My name is Karen, My nephew, who was also my Foster son for 5 mths, was born with erbs palsy. I am trying to get as much information as possible about this condition to pass on to his new adoptive Family. They just took him to the Childrens Hospital in Seattle Washington today, they said it didn't look to good, that they feel that the whole nerve was torn, and that it isn't likely that he will gain any movement in his Right hand or arm. They did mention something about his pupil on the Right side, that it looked normal, and that that could be a positve thing in the recovery of his palsy. I am not sure exactly what that has to do with his little arm, his Right side of his face also droops a little. We live in Washington State, and are not sure of good Dr's in this area, or attornys that do these kind of cases. I was in the delivery room when he was born, and the intern that delivered him was very rough on the baby coming out, pulling and twisting him in a way that made me gasp at the time.. I would love to hear from anyone about this if you had any ideas or comments.. Thanks for listening, and for the feedback ahead of time...


Re: Introductions thanks to 20/20...lurkers welcome

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2002 11:00 pm
by admin
Hi Karen,

Please post this message on the general message board, also. That's where all the parents of injured children usually are. I'm sure you will get a world of good advice there as well as several leads to useful websites.
I have lived with this injury for 51 years now. My nerve was also avulsed. Things have changed much since then. Time seems to be of the essence. Make sure your family gets the baby evaluated ASAP!

My heart goes out to you all.

Take Care,

Re: Introductions thanks to 20/20...lurkers welcome

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2002 11:39 pm
by Patti
Hi guys, I am 26yrs and have OBPI in my right arm.I did not know any thing about what I have until Feb. of this year. I fell ice skating and I had to have surgery on my knee, when I went to P.T. the therpist asked me about my arm and he said that I have erb's palsy.I had always asked my doctors about my arm and they never said to much about it. When I found out what it was called I went on line and was shocked to see that so many people have the same thing, it realy makes me feel like WOW I'm not the only one! I cant raise it above my head,or strech it out to far in front of me or to the side. I cant use my wrist very well, and my right arm is alot shorter than my left. I have been a retail manager for 8yrs. But always wanted to have a coureer in music, but was to afraid because of my arm. I did get started when I was a teenager and preformed in front of thousands of people at different events, but always used my arm as a excuse not to go any further with it. I do still preform at my church, but always wonder what if. I am a at home mom now, am married and I have a 5yr son. I am very happy with what I have done with my life. I have always played volley ball, and I pitch and play soft ball very well. There are alot more I could go on and on but I'll spare you. God's given me alot in my life and I cant complain.
It's great to be able to read your story's.


Re: Introductions thanks to 20/20...lurkers welcome

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 2:54 pm
by Kathleen
Welcome Patti

I wonder what did anyone tell you about your arm and why it was different?

I am 62 right obpi and always knew I had Erb's Palsy.
I even knew the doctor pressed too hard and that is how my nervers were damaged - they said severed.

I am glad to see that you understand all you have in life. I feel that in some ways Erb's formed who I am today. I have a lot of creative hobbies.... I also sang my way through school. but not in front of strangers I too thought they were staring at my arm.

I have 3 grown children and 4 grandchildren...

Glad you posted. If you have any questions feel free to ask away. There are no silly ones...

or e-mail if you want