United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Forceps, Vacuum, or Hands Survey - Page 5
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Re: Forceps, Vacuum, or Hands Survey

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 10:30 am
by Tanner's Mom

I have been wondering the same thing, and thinking about how we could not truly determine when indeed the injury occured in cases where more than one method was used to try to get the baby out. Did it actually occur with the hands, before the forceps or vacuum was applied? Did it not occur until the traction and force from the forceps or vacuum was applied, or was it a combination of both that contributed to the injury, or the final severity level of the injury? We also know that some might argue the injury happened prior to any of this.

If only things were more clear cut with this injury. I guess we know the bottom line is usually too much traction or force being applied to the head, regardless of how it was applied. The protocol of applying traction to the head is certainly a prescription for injury. The way I see it, is the only person that would truly know what "gentle" traction is would be the baby. Those that don't focus on using traction to resolve a shoulder dystocia, but instead use other means of resolving a shoulder dystocia, do not report having any injuries, which is quite interesting. It seems that drugs used in birth and birthing positions can contribute to the use of forceps and vacuums as well, which we all unfortunately know can lead to injuries with improper use.

It is interesting to see how many of us had babies injured just by hands and/or a possible combination of things, but more than anything it is kind of sad to see how our babies were injured, ridiculous things that were allowed to transpire in some of these births, and just how serious some of these babies were injured. I just wish we could get hands off our babies heads, as well as vacuums and forceps, which are rarely if ever used by some birthing professionals. Thanks to all for sharing! And Mel, I am glad you brought this up.


Re: Forceps, Vacuum, or Hands Survey

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 2:55 pm
by Tanner's Mom
Just realized I should have stated epidurals and pitocin can clearly play into the need for forceps and vacuum extraction, or far from optimal positioning of the baby or moms ability to change positions due to epidural. The cascade of interventions that many woman were never informed about.

Re: Forceps, Vacuum, or Hands Survey

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 8:03 pm
by Susie
Hands delivered my son, and I had a 100% natural birth....no drugs, epidurals or IV's of anything, no episiotomy either.

I believe an episiotomy really doesn't have anything to do with causing the injury.

Re: Forceps, Vacuum, or Hands Survey

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 9:05 pm
by m&mmom
Melanie's injury was probably due to me on my back and pushing for 3.5 hours.

Matthew's was a combination of vacuum. The vacuum got his head down and out. Then the ob pulled, then he used his hand to free the stuck shoulder and finally Matthew came out.


Re: Forceps, Vacuum, or Hands Survey

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 1:47 pm
by admin

Re: Forceps, Vacuum, or Hands Survey

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 2:55 pm
by admin
Hands ~ All the way !

We had a wonderful Doc. who did a good
job saving our Angelina. (were lucky)
She maybe RBP but better than no baby at all :)

Re: Forceps, Vacuum, or Hands Survey

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 3:31 pm
by admin
I always thought it was the vacuum but my current OB says that after reading the records, DD was injured by hands and then they used the vacuum to get her out.

Re: Forceps, Vacuum, or Hands Survey

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 3:09 pm
by admin
Everything..including fundal pressure

Re: Forceps, Vacuum, or Hands Survey

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 4:33 pm
by BrokenWingedAngel85
Daniel was injured at the hands of a doctor who had no idea what she was doing!

Re: Forceps, Vacuum, or Hands Survey

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 5:49 pm
by CyndiAnn
50 years ago, I was delivered by the hands of a doctor who did not believe in Caesarian Sections. My poor mother! I send her flowers every year on MY birthday!
Cyndi (ROBPI)