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Re: Topomax

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 9:38 am
by Board Moderator

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Re: Topomax

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 11:47 pm
by admin
Get this! I'm on Topomax for Pain management. I had to up a 25 mg dosage every 3 days to the current 150 mg a day (75 in the am and 75 at night). I don't sleep; I have the tingling in the feet and hands; I am SO sick to my stomach that I'm in bed by 7 every night. I, too, get garbled thoughts but have managed to keep it together at work..I just have to get up and walk away from my desk when my thoughts need sorthing out. And the pain it's supposed to be managing is not being managed so what's the benefit? I'm going to tell him to take me SLOWLY off this crazy drug. And those of you who want to quit cold turkey need to remember that this medicine is used to treat for seizures. You "gradually" build up the dosage and you "gradually" go off the dosage or you can induce seizures. Personally, I see no benefit at all. Sick as hell, in bed every night, I have not life AND the pain it's supposed to manage (nerve entrapment) isn't being touched. My hubby's not too nuts about the moods, either. He wants the "old" me back. Topomax is bad news.

Re: Topomax

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 9:20 am
by admin
What are the symptoms of angle glaucoma? I have a weird dull pain that comes and goes in my left eye. Thanks so much..Lisa

Re: Topomax

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 4:12 pm
by dani
Hello, I have been taking Topomax for a 1 month - 100 mg (starting 25mg-50mg-75mg) The first 15 days were great, no headaches. I was very happy and healthy. It has been 1 month now and I feel awfull. I have had a headache for a week and I feel nausea all the time. I can not eat or drink. I am nerveous and unhappy, depressed and all the bad stuff. Some of you say that they have low sex drive - with me is the oposite. All advices are welcome. I have to stop this madness.

Re: Topomax

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 8:46 pm
by Lilly
What are the side efects of this medication? I was given topomax for my chronic headaches

Re: Topomax

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 12:47 pm
by NanaRachel
I'm considering using Topomax for monthly migraines. I've looked through this forum and am disappointed. Does anyone have anything GOOD to say about Topomax and migraines?

Re: Topomax

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 10:22 pm
by admin
my wife had periods of crying for really no apparent reason. Thing that normally wouldn't upset her did. Then it got worse, she started having thoughts of suicide. They are getting her off the Topomax now & counseling her. I really believe this was caused by the Topomax. Not normal behavior for my wife at all. I would be very careful

Re: Topomax bulimia

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 1:57 pm
by admin
hi, my docter just put me on 25mg of topomax for bulemia and after 2 weeks i will go up to 50mg. any luck with the eating disorder?

Re: Topomax

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 3:17 pm
by admin
I have had severe migraines (about 5-6 a week)for about 45 years. I have gone through EVERYTHING, from soup to nuts and along the way got hooked on pain Rxs. Needless to say, stumbled across Imitrex and low and behold it worked. So now for around 7 years Imitrex has controlled my life, but still I have 5-6 migraines a week, sometimes more. My neuro said, "Let's try Topomax." Which I did. What a roller coaster ride. Throughout this ride, however, I can say, that in the past two weeks, I have had three migraines. Is it worth it? I really don't know. This is what I am struggling with even as I write. I am a professional and I need my thoughts about me -- I cannot make mistakes or atleast many of them in what I do. I increased the RX slowly and have played around with it going up and down until I reached 100 mg over a 3 month period. During this time, I have lost weight and then gained it back. I have been extremely fatigued to the point of taking two hour naps in the afternoon and still going to bed at 8:30 p.m. (Not usual for me - I am a night owl.) Tingly toes and fingers - can live with that. Slight acne - can live with that. But the intellectual impairment is what really bothers me. I am working on my Ph.D. and I simply cannot deal with this piece. I need my mind. And, I really do not like the fatigued piece. It is like I am always out of it, not quite with it and I really need to be with it as my job is to be around people making important decisions. I can't seem to be stupid or make stupid decisions - I would loose my job. Is Topomax worth it? Not having the migraines has been like having a vacation, but I am thinking that like all vacations there comes an end. So, I am thinking, that the Imitrex works, I just have to deal with the onset so that is what I will have to deal with. Until THEY come up with something with less side effects my migraines are here to stay.

Thanks for listening

Re: Topomax

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:12 pm
by admin
Interesting dose that your daughter is taking. I have an 18 yr old that is currently taking 25/25..she tried to get to 50/50 and was unsuccessful. Against her physcians recommendation I took her down to a tolerable dose, she was so depressed, slow, difficulty in processing information. My daughter has eplisey now after 7 years post bonemarrow transplant from leukemia. She survived many years w/o difficulties..now this has a strong hold on her daily routine. I don't recall numbness taste etc...My concern is that i know she wants to "drink" and she has tried to find out what would happen if she did drink...She is looking for evidence..not hear say..course drinking is not recommended..and neither is driving..Depression is caving in help mom deal with sending 18 yr old to college