United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Surgery has any one had any success - Page 33
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Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Mon May 05, 2003 9:19 pm
by admin
Paul, fell upon your question, I had 3 surgeries and now diagnosed with Brachial Plexus, one reply was from Joy about Dr. Schwartzman, he's at Drexel Neurological Institue, 219 Broad St. Phila. Good luck getting in, I was just down week before Easter, saw another Dr. in the same Office, guess what, he left for Boston, but I rescheduled to get into see Dr. Schwartzman, whom I was supposed to see in the first place, but never did, and I can't get in again until Sept. 29th, I hope he's worth the wait coz I waited 2 1/2 months for the first appt. I guess I'm alittle disappointed coz I've been dealing with a knife in the trigger point feeling in the right shoulder for almost 3 years and feel like I'm just getting yanked around coz its a workmans comp injury. Anyone reading this, if you know any other drs that deal with Brachial Plexux that didn't leave PA yet let me know! Thanks!

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Tue May 06, 2003 6:13 pm
by Gianni
Hi Everyone,

I took my son Gianni to see Dr. Kline in New Orleans Monday for his 6 month post op visit. Dr. Kline was very excited to see the improvement that Gianni has already had. In just this short time, Gianni has been able to pull his arm up toward his face while lying it in his lap. He can't do it against gravity yet but just the fact that he can do this in such a short time is a miracle. We have such high hopes for a good recovery. He had 9 nerve grafts done.

Best regards,
Maureen aka Gianni's mom

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 8:41 pm
by Paul
Judy were you diagnosd after the there surgeries with Brachial Plexus? That amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Paul

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 8:43 pm
by Paul
Thats great Gianni. Nine never grafts? Was that by Dr.Kline? He's very good........Paul

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Thu May 08, 2003 8:25 am
by Gianni
Hi Paul,

Yes, Paul, he had nine nerve grafts done by Dr. Kline in November. They did the routine surgery of removing an 18 inch nerve from his leg, chopped it up and did the grafts. It is amazing what can be done. He had the surgery four months after his accident. We are hoping that because he is only 18 years old that will improve his odds of a good recovery.

Best regards,
Maureen aka Gianni's mom

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 1:36 pm
by Paul
Wow Maureen good for you and your family you found a good doctor and got thair quickly and 18 is good. Keep us posted. Let us know with each improvment and movment. thanks for taking time to post. All the Best Gianni!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Mon May 12, 2003 9:23 pm
by admin
Paul, thanks for asking about the 3 surgeries. Yes I had 3 surgeries, removed bone spurs, bercitous and scar tissue. Then I went to a 3rd doctor, Dr. Canner in Reading, he then told me I had brachial plexus, he referred me to Phila. to Dr. Schwartzmans office, I told the doc I saw in Phila. that I have a hugh knot in my shoulder, at the trigger point, then the pain follows down the shoulder blade and under my arm into my arm pit, my whole shoulder blade swells up, icing it don't help, now they have me on Neurotin and muscle relaxers, I still have the pain. I'm hoping some one reading this could help me out. A year ago it didn't bother me to sit, but when I played the piano/organ my whole upper capsule killed me, now when I sit, type on the computer, write, anything repeticious, etc., it tightens up on me and feels like there's a knife in my shoulder, actually I don't have to do anything and it does it. When I wake up in the morning it feels fine most of the time, then after about an hour it all starts up again. Schwartzmans office says its a vicious circle that don't stop unless we can stop the muscle from spazing. Unfortunately when I take the muscle relaxer during the day I'm nonfunctional or I start shaking about an 1 1/2 hours after I took the neurotin and 1/2 or a muscle relaxer. Please, anyone, any doctor, nurse, etc. if you have any info. please let me know. I've tried accupuncture, massage therapy twice, physical therapy had me doing 80lb lat pulls and 70lb flies after my 3rd surgery and then everything started to get worse, but they tell you, don't worry it will go away, its only tendonitous, but lets keep wrenching on it. I'm still sitting and waiting for an answer, some days I feel like putting an impaled object into the spot, then I know they'll have to go in and see whats wrong! I also had another MRI this past week and guess what, it didn't show anything, so they think everythings all right. I often hand my boyfriend the pruning shires and say, just cut it, I'll tell you when I don't feel it anymore! Anyone with these symptoms and has gotten relief, please let me know, if you know of any good Drs in PA or NY or close to Eastern PA that might help that I don't have to wait until Sept. 29th to get in at, please post them. Thank you!

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Mon May 12, 2003 9:51 pm
by Paul
sorry i don't have time to write Judy but please write to Andrew E Price
E-mail Address(es):

Ok !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Paul

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 3:08 pm
by admin
Judy I am currently seeing Dr. Lee Osterman at the Philadelphia Hand Institute on Chestnut Street in Philly for TOS. It is affiliated with Thomas Jefferson and is supposed to be the best in the area. I only had to wait a little over a month for my appointment. I saw him last Wednesday and is sending me to get an SEP test done to rule out Brachial Plexus vs. Root. Now I have to wait until July to get that test done by Dr. Ernest Bara formerly at Penn. Dr. Osterman was very helpful and took the time to explain everything that was going on to me along with my options. There are seven different Doctors at the Hand Center but I was referred to by him by my Doctors and Lawyer. Giles

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 3:20 pm
by admin
Have you had any steroid trigger point injections in your shoulder and neck to help stop the spasms? They are a temporary releif but it does make it feel better short term. Some people get long term relief but unfortunately not me. I am also on 1800 mg Neurontin per day but he also has me on Gabitril which is similar to Neurontin 24mg twice a day. The Gabitril seems to work well with the Neurontin but doesn't make you feel completely better as you already know. But actually has cut my dosage of Neurontin back to 1200 mg per day which helps with the loopy feeling I get from the Neurontin. It does make a difference though. I am going to have a TOS shot(block) on Friday May 16th. Another temporary relief but it will also more definitively diaganos the TOS. Giles