Re: VBAC boards making me VERY anxious - need help.
Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2003 6:31 pm
I really appreciate Mary's comments...once again it all comes back to education and awareness on our part and education and awareness on our practioners part, be the decision to deliver vaginally, c-section, at home, or in a hospital. All have pros and cons, all have risks, all have advantages and no one solution is right for all (except education and awareness tee hee). So the more we can bring up ideas and viewpoints, and the more diverse they are - the better we can empower women to make the best decision for them. And yes, perhaps my baby wouldn't have died at home, perhaps my practioner would have been far more capable and would have spotted the delivery red flags and acted accordingly had I delivered at home! It was a very extremist thing to say, but hey it grabbed the attn of you who could offer some counter ideas and that's a great thing for everyone!!!