United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Triathlons - Page 4
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Re: Triathlons

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:37 pm
by trimommy
Congratulations Dan!!!
Do you have the bug??? can't stop at just one can you? Triathlons are like potato chips...once you open up the bag its all over!!
Dan you are a huge inspiration to me and i know to so many others. Thank you for your straight talk and help. It was because of your sling that i was able to get back into the sport!! i owe it all to you!!!!

Awesome job!

Thank you for your inspuration!!!!


Re: Triathlons

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 12:05 am
by Christopher
Sssaawweeeettt job Dan!

Congrats my good man!
Yikes, all you buggers are putting a serious cramp in my style here! Now I'm gonna have to get myself out there and break a real sweat!!! Great job, you must feel nimble and quick dropping that 40 pound baby!

I wish I was there to see some of it. The swim part is what gets my toes curled up. Cajones!

Great work buddy!


Re: Triathlons

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 10:32 pm
by Fernando
As Chris say, you are the man and I am very proud of you and have to say that you are pushing my ego to get back on shape so we can go at list for a water ride.

Congratulations and great job

Re: Triathlons

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 11:17 pm
by Dan
I was going to select a few of the best professional pictures taken from the race and post them, but what the heck, here are all of them. Not sure how long the link will be up, but here you go.


The ones of me looking at my glove are after I left the transition area to start the run and I realized I still had my biking glove on and my brain just wasn't working very well so I just kept looking at it and wondering what I should do with it. Another side benefit of the sling, storage area for extra equipment:)


Yes, I do have the bug, I am planning on doing another one about the same length at the end of November. Swim is in a lake so that will be easier and the run is a little longer, so have to pick it up a bit.

You are welcome for the sling, just glad I can help!


We need to get you out there, just let me know and we can do some training together:) Swim is really not that bad, just need to in good shape so you can keep it going, also a few lessons might not hurt either, that is also on my list of things to do for next race.

Yes, feel much more nimble, especially on my water ski, wow did I forget how much more I can do being the weight I am supposed to be.


Thanks, once you get your new business all set and get used to having two babies in the house, I know you will be back out there charging hard.

Yes I agree, we need to get back on the water, now being lighter I can get up behind your boat so much easier now.

You guys are great, thanks for the encouragement.


Re: Triathlons

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 1:31 pm
by Heddip
Wow Dan--great job!! Thanks for sharing your pics, it was like being there.

I've been looking for Tri's that have Challenged divisions, so might think of that one for next year.

I had the same problem with swimming on my first triathlon. I was so excited that I couldn't catch my breath and ended up swimming side stroke half the time. The second one was much better (despite the current) and did freestyle the whole way.

Can't wait to hear how your November event goes. Way to go!!
