United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Neurontin - Page 4
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Re: Neurontin

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2003 5:05 am
by admin
Am curious as to your symptoms. I was in what some consider a pretty violent non-vehicle aciden this past June. The extent of my injuries were pretty significant; ruptured hamstring, fractured pelvis, blown shoulder(rotator cuff included), small fracture to a vertabrae, and stretched nerve damage also in my neck. Where am a leading too...

I am a Canadian now living in the states. At the time of my accident I carried no US health insurance and was refused emergency medical care at the time if the accident. It wasn'y until two weeks latter that I collapsed from the pain, was I finally treated and the extent of my injuries known. It's been a long road to recovery with alot more ground to cover...

In December, I had my shoulder rebuilt; decompression, liagaments and tendons repaired, nearly 4hrs of surgery. The recovery has come with mixed results, to early to truly know, but new symptoms and increased pain arouse...

I now suffer from tingling in my thumb and first finger as well as spasms' of pain in my upper arm that literally put my on the floor in agony. My Orthopedic Surgeon sent me to a Neurologist where it was concluded that I am suffering from stretched nerves in my neck and have subscribed me tp a Pain Managemnet Therapist and Neurontin. Here's what I'm leading to...

I don't buy into it, and believe that something occured during the shoulder operation. I'd like to know more about your surgery and the symptoms that followed and has the Neurontin helped you at all as I'm quit sceptical at this poiint and would like to hear from you. JC

Re: Neurontin

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2003 5:10 am
by admin
I have been on neurontin for about 2 months started slow 300mg and built up to 2700 mg a day. I found out they helped with the sharp shooting pain, but being on 2700 mg a day I started to get memory loss, I was tired all the time, My speech was messed up the words just did not come out right. So I started to take less I'm on 1800mg a day and it helps a lot, But I still take 120 mg of oxycontin a day, percocet, and Ambien to help sleep. And not to foget cosamin ds. All of this for a knee injury almost 4 years ago, 2 surgerys, 5 nerve blocks, 3 mri's, and a bone scan...The things we will do for pain, or should I say to get rid of pain...Steve

Re: Neurontin

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2003 10:00 pm
by Princess
My doctor told me that many anti-depressants help sooth nerve pain, one particular med is Effexor XR. Hope this helps!

Re: Neurontin

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 8:59 am
by admin
Hello Debi:
I took neurontin at what I think was near the limit three times a day also. Also it did nothing for me. The only thing that i found that helped was Percozet. But my doctor refuses to prescripe me a addictive painkiller. Which I agree with but I found that was the only thing to help with the burning pain. But the evail did help me sleep. So good Luck to Jeff. I also can say my accident was sept.11th 2000 and I've lost use of my bicep and deltiod and this is after over 2 years

Re: Neurontin

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 9:16 am
by lizzyb
You know, I gave up taking ANY painkillers years ago...NONE of them really worked 100% although the ametriptylene worked for a while to help me sleep but the side effects were intolerable...I can honestly and truthfully say, I VERY rarely experience pain any more...I found the painkillers actually made it worse....try and give up ALL the meds and just concentrate as soon as you can on getting your life back on track. Believe me, it is simply the best and only way to beat this thing...

Re: Neurontin

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 1:13 pm
by admin

My fiance' has a brachial plexus injury that dates back 16 years from a motorcycle accident. He is having pain that he describes like this "its like someone sticking him with a red hot poker". He started taking the Neurontin within the past 2 months and it seems to work some, he has also taken numerous pain pills but we are trying to get away from those. I saw your comment and would like to hear more about your story and what you have done to combat the pain associated with this type of injury. This is taking a terrible toll on our existience and we are trying desperatley to find a solution.....he is ready to have his arm amputated if it would help.

Re: Neurontin

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2003 7:17 am
by kuyumcu
hello Debi,

I am writing from Turkey.

Fýrstly sory for my English. my brother Emre had a trafýc accident four months ago. doctors said he had brachiel plexus ýnjury.he had C8 root avulsýon. For hýs paýn he take neurontin300mg three times a day and after dýnner he takes laroxyl 10mg three tablet(30mg).10 days ago he had a surgical operation abaut brachiel plexus ýnjury.Hýs paýn better than the surgical operatýon while he was sleeping at night. In day time pain still going like burnýng and electric shock. there is no movement on his left hand still.

Re: Neurontin

Posted: Thu May 08, 2003 11:21 pm
by Gina071667
I was just put on neurotin and for me it doesn't work at all........ I have also been taking Elavil which only helps get a good night sleep. Just had a nerve block yesterday and im still in severe pain........ I'm going crazyyyyyyyyyyy......... Anyone taking anything that actually helps??????????

Re: Neurontin

Posted: Mon May 19, 2003 3:31 pm
by admin
Give it a little time, what is the doseage that you are taking? Are you taking any other pain meds?...steve

Re: Neurontin

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 9:27 am
by admin
Hi Jason, I've been taking Neurontin for a little over two years now and I have to say that without it I would't
know what to do with the burning in my feet and legs. Currently I'm taking 1200mg three (3) times a day. Along with Neurontin, I also take 10mg of oxycontin two (2) times daily. It works for me. I've had three (3) operations on my lower back. The first two were a nightmare. This final operation that I had was 3/20/03. I finally got with the program and went to the Hospital for Special Surgery in NYC. I had instrumentation removed and some major repair done all caused by the original two operations. Don't get me wrong, though, I still have nerve pain and a back ache every now and then, and I'll probably have to retrain and find another line of work (I was in the trades), but I now have a better quality of life. My problem is similar to yours Jason. I too want to be drug free and soon. One problem that I have added to my dilema is that I have now developed a goiter-Thyroid related situation and I know that I'll need surgery to remove the goiter. My question for anyone is stems around the Neurontin. Could the Neurontin be the culprit? If anybody out there has an answer please email me. I'm looking for answers. Thanks
John O'