United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Topomax - Page 24
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Re: Topomax

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 3:07 am
by jennfaery
Hello, I don't have a TBI but I do have migraines. I have since I was 12 and I am 21 now. I am on 25 mg of topomax and have been taking it for a little under a month. Like most of the other people who have responded the side effects are horrendous. I have been having terrible mood swings, blurred vision, feeling fuzzy, pain and coldness in my extremities, loss of concentration, even suicidal thoughts. I have been debating on if I should just stop taking it or wait to see if the side effects wear off but I don't think I can take much more. It hasn't even help with my headaches and so far no weight loss that I can see. I'm going to give it a few more weeks and see if the side effects go away. I really want topomax to work but I am so tired of being in pain all the time. Does anyone know of any medicine that will make my moods stabilize and still be able to take topomax? Thanks.:)

Re: Topomax

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 1:30 pm
by admin
Has anyone had any GOOD results with Topomax? My doc has prescribed it for my migraines (which I get daily). Depakote worked very well, but caused drowsiness and flu-like symptoms that lasted the whole time (six months), as well as tons of weight-gain. I want to hear something good about Topomax before I start using it. Any comments?

Re: Topomax

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 12:08 pm
by admin

I am an 8 year chronic tension headache/migraine sufferer. I've tried all kinds of meds. and therapy including chiropractic care for 4 years that didn't help much over the long term and as a last result epidural steroid injections. These worked wonders but the side effects were horrible on my petite frame. Topopmax has been awesome! I've been on it since last July and not only have my headaches improved greatly, I've never felt better. My mood is 100% better and the weight thing is definitely not a negative! It did mess with my memory some in the very beginning but after a couple of weeks I got used to the dose (I take 75mg. a day in 25 mg. intervals) and that side effect wore off. I lost some weight at the beginning but I like being skinny so I don't see that as a downside at all. (I was already thin so it hasn't been a dramatic weight loss for me like I've been reading on these message boards.) I enjoy work out a lot though and now I have the energy and feel like doing it again since my headaches are so much better. I also have 2 young adopted children who are Bi-Polar and later on I found out that Topomax was also used to treat some Bi-Polar patients so it's no wonder that my mood seems elevated too on this drug. I've never in my life been diagnosed as depressed or anything like that but Topomax definitely has improved my quality of life like no other drug has since my headaches began 8 years ago. I highly recommend it!

Re: Topomax

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 12:11 pm
by admin
I've been on it since July. What it does is make you feel like not eating. Just give it time. I work out a lot too. I was already doing that though. I was also already thin. Since taking this medication, I've been able to build muscle and tone-up since I lost about 10lbs. It's been great! The weight loss side effect is gone for me now but the effect on my headaches is still working THANK GOD!

Re: Topomax

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 12:13 pm
by admin
It's been a life saver for me with my headaches. I'm also a size 0 now after taking it since July. I was already a size 2 though. But I lost about 10 lbs. in about 4 months on this drug without even trying. My quality of life is SOOOOOOO much better. IT's also helped my mood. I swear I'm a happier person!

Re: Topomax

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 12:17 pm
by admin
I'm taking it for migraines and I thought it was in my head about not feeling like having "drinks" anymore after I started taking Topomax but lo and behold, about 7 months later, I read that it was being studied for that! It really does take that craving away. Good luck! I hope it works for you. I didn't have a problem but I do LOVE frozen margaritas and I started taking Topomax in the summer and I just didn't want a drink anymore for a good 2-3 months. Even now, I really hardly ever crave one.

Re: Topomax

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 12:19 pm
by admin
Stick with it Melissa. It works. Believe me. You need to drink Gatorade and exercise. Also, eat some fruit and drink juice. It will help the nauseau and keep your energy up. Good Luck.

Re: Topomax

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 10:39 am
by admin

I've not experienced weight loss or depression, but I haven't been able to sleep in a week. When I try to sleep my legs tingle.

Re: Topomax

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 12:45 pm
by admin
I lost over 30 pounds with this drug. very quickly. i had to start drinking ensure just to try to maintain weight. i started to look terrible! i even went to the dr and complained. it came off so fast people around me wanted to know how i was losing so much weight so fast. i didn't change my eating habits. i ate everything in sight includeing junk food. no exercising either. because of that and a few other side effects i stopped taking it. i am just finally starting to look healthy again. it depends on the amount of mg you take. the higher my dosage the more the weight came off and quicker. there are also bad side effects. good luck.

Re: Topomax

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 12:52 pm
by admin
unfortunately, i suffer from migraines too. i get them almost 3 times a week sometimes more. i have had them since i was a kid and i am now 30. topomax is the latest drug i tried and the worst for side effects. i lost over 30 pounds drasticly. 25mg won't make you lose weight or touch the headaches. the more you increase the mg the worse the side effects get though. you will feel such a tingling in your hands and feet you won't know what to do at times. and speech becomes a problem! i just stopped taking it and i can finally talk almost normal again. it worked for my headaches int he beginning but the costs are toooo great. hair loss. kidney stone. cramps in calves. the list goes on. i thought this was finally going to be the one drug that would work and be great and end my suffering.
i have an appt with a neurologist tommorrow. till then i'm back to eating 4 excedrin for the headaches.
i know it sucks.