United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Introductions thanks to 20/20...lurkers welcome - Page 22
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Re: Introductions thanks to 20/20...lurkers welcome

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 10:08 am
by hope16_05
Thanks Carolyn,
I do host a chat on Thursday nights because I remember how much some one elses chst helped me out when I was first researching bpi's. Just knowing there are others out there like you makes all the difference in the world. The chats start at 8:30 CST 9:30 EST and can go for hours. Feel free to stop in, some one is usually there pretty late. If you want to check out the site bfore hand to make sure the chat works, or just read my story (I keep a current journal and a photo album on there) feel free the home page is www.freewebs.com/bpimn

I look forward to getting to know you,
Amy 19 ROBPI from MN

Re: Introductions thanks to 20/20...lurkers welcome

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 12:37 pm
by cristina
I can't believe how similar our experiences are. I never knew what my disability was called, until I went to the doctor because I was having problems with my left side (my good side) and he asked about my right arm I told him I just knew that I had been injuried at birth, he mentioned brachial plexus injury so I rushed home and looked it up on the web, and I found DR.Nath website, called him and hopefully will have surgery in the fall. And by the way I'm 26 years old, I don't have any kids or a husband I have a boyfriend( but thats not going so well). Anyway I just felt so happy to find someone with similar experience.

Re: Introductions thanks to 20/20...lurkers welcome

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 10:07 am
by Kath
Move to the top for newbies.

Re: Introductions thanks to 20/20...lurkers welcome

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 3:56 am
by David4946
Hi! I am interested in hearing more about this. I am a police officer that sustained a BPI and am attempting to return to police work... Does she have limited function in her arm or has she recovered fully?

please Email me at police4946@aol.com Thank you so much


Re: Introductions thanks to 20/20...lurkers welcome

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 9:09 pm
by Kath
Moved to the top of page for newbies.

Re: Introductions thanks to 20/20...lurkers welcome

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:55 am
by Carolyn J
" Here's a site for amputees about it but the tips work for us too, it also warns against using medication to stop the pain so be careful :0) http://amputee-online.com/amputee/phantom.html

Carolyn J