What about the Injured Child?

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: What about the Injured Child?

Post by francine »

I think that - especially in the last year or so- people have been VERY respectful and accepting and interested in hearing about everybody's experiences at all other places. I think it's becoming a more rounded place as each day passes and I hope it continues.
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Re: What about the Injured Child?

Post by Primrose »

Cindy, I don't get your point. I am not sure why the mention of less popular treatments. Frashey stated that her dd is going for surgery if it was in reference to the whole surgery issue. Mt point was her original thread was in reference to the fact that she chooses to try and see the positve and make life as normal for her dd as posible. Yet 8 posts later she said "Sorry, I was only expressing myself and questioning my stratagies out loud." She was put in a position of feeling the need to appoligize for trying to express a positive point of veiw. I just found that very disturbing and a sad statement regarding the tone of this board. I am not about getting into treatment options discusions here. Pam
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Re: What about the Injured Child?

Post by m&mmom »

Told ya too much coffee - I didn't state my sentence fully - my fingers weren't working as fast as my mind at the time. I was also speaking on a broad basis (treatment, therapy, legal action) not just the poster's apology for not taking legal action. I am in 100% agreement that people here should not feel the need to apologize for their decisions. I also agree with the positive point of view and think it's what's needed to move on. My apologies though for putting a spin on your post, it was not my intention.
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: Teen aged home birthed son with OBPI
Location: Fort Pierce, FL

Re: What about the Injured Child?

Post by marymom »

I totally agree with the original poster -its about conscious choice for me-I was so freaken amazed he came out alive- the rest was just walking the path- I did consider litigation for a while, tomorrow I will be going prenatal exams with the midwife who delivered Max-life goes on(I am a labor assistant) There are alot of reasons to sue and alot of reasons not to- I wouldnt dream of suggesting that someone not sue or that they do- I would share my own experiences and opinions of how I came to my decision, but that in no means should be misconstrued by some defensive insecure person to mean that I think they should do things my way- as the injury is completely individual, so is the treatment- and I am one of those defensive insecure people sometimes also and sometimes also can find myself taking offense when someone comes on and talks about how they feel because noone sued for them or they think others should consider x y and z for their baby- because I think...do they thihnk Im doing a less than perfect job? and then I remember- I dont care what they think- Im doing a great job and so are they we are all doing the best we can- there are PLENTY of great reasons NOT to sue-
I know, because that was my decision
and there are PLENTY of great reasons to sue- I know becauuse people I know and believe in are in litigation and I support their endeavors 100%
ok- I think Im going in circles-0 thanks for letting me share :)
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Re: What about the Injured Child?

Post by Kathleen »


since I am the one who said none sued for me please clarify .... did that mean me!!! and if it did ... I am sorry that my thought upset you but again it is a matter of choice and you do not have to agree with my feelings....... like you said you have your reasons and I have mine......

" I am one of those defensive insecure people sometimes also and sometimes also can find myself taking offense when someone comes on and talks about how they feel because noone sued for them or they think others should consider x y and z for their baby- because I think...do they thihnk Im doing a less than perfect job"

Does this mean that when someone chooses to sue..it insults you? or does it mean just if I said I wish my parents sue?.... I am not sure how to take that statement.... and I am the only one who said none sued for me....
sorry if my feelings offend you .... there was no need to put me down for them.... You had not even posted when I posted on the subject so why did you take it so personal???? But I am sure that you know feeling are just that feelings... so if you did not care why did you post that way...???? I really don't understand the problem in people stating their feeling and because your are opposed to suing....it hurts yours.......

I did not say that you should sue or that maybe Max would be up set if you don't... I simply said I wish they had... I also know that many of the other adult/obpi who are struggling to pay bills and early retirement could have used the help to cover medical costs growing... and wished that their parent did too.... that is something we have discuessed... in our e-mails..............................................

And with all due respects what do you mean when you say defensive insecure people.... is it because you feel that if anyone states an opinion that you disagree with they are insecure....

Sorry Marymom... I am not insecure... nor do I take responsibility for my injury nor do I think that its my fault.... not once would I ever think that......nor as I said do I have anger at the doctor who made the mistakes when he delivered me.... In fact mary I have reached a point in my life where I am the most secure.... ...since this is my injury and I have always been this way....it is me... a very real part of me..... I am sure that perhaps I am tired and like you I find my self going in circles since I took offense at being singled out for you you did not have to use my name since I am the only one who posed none sued for me!
