United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Topomax - Page 3
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Re: Topomax

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2003 2:07 pm
by admin
Hi,I also took topomax and I had the same reaction as you
But I did not have to have the operation. I had it in both eyes and they used five different eye drops to clear it
up. They used two dilators and some anti-Inflamatory drops. I was on this pill for migraine headaches and on the tenth day I got acute glocoma. If you want to E-mail me you can.

Re: Topomax - additional side effects

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2003 6:51 am
by admin
I too experienced flu-like symptoms on topomax for about a week after increasing the dosage after the first week, but that has passed and all seems well. My thought process seems a little slower sometimes or I feel a little "spacy" but my doc says that too shall pass. Take care. Jason

Re: Topomax - additional side effects

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2003 5:32 pm
by admin
After 30 years of migraines, I requested Topomax for migraine therapy. I am up to 200 mg. per day with no migraines in 3 mos. The first 2 or 3 weeks were nighmares. I ached all over, had sinus trouble and felt generally terrible. After that, I had diarrhea for about a month. It has subsided and I now have a slight headache in my eyes and on coughing and sneezing. I can put up with that as long as the migraines stay away. I think I need to adjust my dosage down to 150 mg. to clear up nagging headache. Just hang in there and the symptoms will subside.


Re: Topomax - additional side effects

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2003 6:00 pm
by admin
Don't quit. It takes weeks to get into your system.
I'm up to 200 mg. Had terrible 3 weeks with aches and flu like symptoms. Now I'm losing weight, back into my size 14's but having to adjust medicing due to mild eye pain and headache. Work with it. You'll be ok.


Re: Topomax

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2003 5:38 pm
by admin
i am in the same boat as you - i have cervicogenic migranes (for about 8 years) and take paxil, beta and calcium channel blockers and vioxx, and still end up taking 9 doses of imitrex 50mg per month for headache relief. the doctor just put me on topomax and took me off the verapamil and paxil. i'm tired of taking so many pills and still suffering. keep me posted and i will do the same - thanks

Re: Topomax

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2003 5:08 pm
by admin
I've suffered from migraines for twenty years (I'm now 32) and after exhausting medicines my new neurologist is trying me on 50 mg of Topomax. I'm only on 20mg thus far (only on my 2nd week) but I'm experiencing weird ... coldness in my hands and face. The face is what seems weird. Has anyone experienced this?

Re: Topomax

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2003 11:10 am
by admin
I have ocular migraines which means I go blind instead of getting pain like a normal migraine sufferer. I have been on Verapamil but my doctor wants to switch me to Topamax because of the side effects I am having from Verapamil. I am worried about the side effects of Topamax. He wants me to take 1 25 mg tab at bedtime. Do you think i will have a problem with that dosage? I am not worried about the weight loss since I am 60 lbs overweight, but I don't want the depression, aggravation, etc.

Re: Topomax

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2003 1:01 pm
by admin
Been on Topomax 100 mg for 3 months and have GAINED wait. I know that is a rare side effect, some times I don't even feel that hungry but the next week will be like two lbs heavier. Have heard that a lot of people loose weight-good luck! I have problems now with concentration, anxiety, and mood. Was prescribed Topomax for Migraines and for the most part haven't had any too severe, but have had a couple smaller ones. If you have any questions-pharmacist is best one to talk to.

Re: Topomax

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2003 5:17 pm
by admin
my doctor prescribed topomax about a month ago for my migranes. i use to get them every single day practically, whether it be with the vision or with naseau or just a pounding headache. since i've been on it, i have not experienced a migrane, thank god. but i have lost weight.i was already thin to begin with, 115 and now i'm about 105 and am 5'8--which i consider drastic weight. i hate being so thin. i didn't know that weightloss would come with it. i have not expereinced anxiety. but i use to suffer terribly from anxiety disorder, so i would know if anxiety were back. as far as depression my mood swings are more profound but i don't know if that relates to alot of stress in my life. i also use to suffer from depression years ago, so again i know that this is not as severe and not quite the same. i have not expereinced sluggishness mentally, but i do occasionally experience numbness and a tingling sensation in my fingers. nothing that is major.
overall, i like the drug besides the weight loss, and if i discovered my mood swings were because of topomax for sure, then that would be a different story as well.
what i would like to know is if there are any alternatives to topomax for migranes. my doctor is very vague and usually just hands me handfuls of samples when i go, and therefore i have no idea what i'm taking or what it could do. i'm scared to continue to lose weight b/c i know i look sickly.
if anyone has any similar situations or advice i would appreciate it!

Re: Topomax

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2003 7:37 pm
by admin
i am currently using topomax 1daily for migraines also. yes, i have had some of the side-effects mentioned in the phamplets. slight memory loss at first. a little bit of a problem w/eye-vision. losing weight wish i love that is also one of the reasons my neurologist put me on this to help w/my intense migraines and slight overweight. you don't lose it dramatically. it just curbs your appetate a little, so you don't have to eat as much for when you to get the headaches and have to worry about popping food in your mouth all the time. if you have a good dr. then you should be allset. don't worry. is it working for you! don't let other people scare you. just get as much info as possible and always keep up to date on all your medications. good luck w/your daughter's migraines and i am so proud of you for helping her... i am also a mother and i am glad for this medicine and wish that i had taken it sooner. i consider myself lucky everyday when i don't have a horrible migraine.. the side-effects have vanished and i have been on this medication for over 6months..


