United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Travel Tips - Page 3
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Re: Travel Tips

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:54 am
by hope16_05
Thanks ladies for helping me to realize I can accept this stuff and if I dont I really am going to be screwed later! I PCA and my client has handicapped parking, OMG did that make life so much easier this week.

Gonna see if I can get one but I am not sure who to go to to get it,I dont really have a general dr that I see regularly. I do havea chiropractor and a doc I see for my arm. Suggestions as to which would be better? How do I ask them, it feels so akward knowing I walk just fine.


Re: Travel Tips

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 9:28 am
by Carolyn J
Yes, yes, get a handicaped card. Life is easier
with one. Every Doctor's ofice has the forms, but you have to ask for them. Whichever Dr. is "aware" of your BPI issues is easier(no hasle with explaining) or just print out a page of us BPI Adults' posts. This is a invisible disablity/need,ya remember. The "Search Forum" will bring up the Car Handicapped Card Posts for you.

Anyhow, all States may differ how the aplication form lists the "Box" to check-- but usually it's the one that says Neurolgicalcontition that fits us. Maybe your Dr. at Mayo can mail or fax you one?? It's easier than you think.

Love Ya! :)

Carolyn J

Message was edited by: Carolyn J

Re: Travel Tips

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 6:09 pm
by Joanie
My best travel tips:

Pack lightly. I find this advice impossible to follow. I never know exactly what I will need. Recently my husband and I traveled from our home in the Cleveland area to Phoenix, and then to Dallas. At the last minute I packed my raincoat in case of rain in Dallas. I needed a sweater and my winter coat to wear to the Cleveland airport. It got so chilly in Phoenix that I actually wore my raincoat there. It rained, then snowed in Dallas, though just a dusting where we were staying. I managed with my raincoat. I didn't need my winter coat again until we landed in Cleveland. Glad we missed the blizzard. :-)

Pack everything you can in the checked luggage. It's not called luggage for nothing. Don't lug anything in carry-ons if you can safely check it.

Travel with someone who can help you. Whenever possible I travel with my husband. He's got two good arms and he's stronger than I am. Unfortunately, he now has heart problems.:-( Things went well until we were back in the Cleveland airport, where John went to use the men's room. While I waited for him, I heard the announcement that was meant for people who were about to board the plane that we had just disembarked from. If they couldn't walk steps, they were to come forward immediately. Arrangements would be made for them to get on the plane. I thought, "No one said that to us when the plane landed. We had no choice but to walk down a staircase from the plane to the ground, walk along the ground, and then walk up a staircase that brought us into the terminal. I can't remember the last time I had to do that." When John came out of the men's room, he was literally staggering. He told me to walk down the terminal until I could board a cart, and get the driver to pick him up where I was leaving him. I should have left my carry-on with him, but I was so upset about how he had been affected by those stairs that I didn't think of it. I lugged my carry-on with me.
Afraid that John might strain himself too much, I got our luggage off the carousel. By the time we got home, he had the strength to run the snow blower to clear our driveway. I was thankful that I had insisted that he buy a new snow blower after our old one was past repair.

This has been sort of serious, sort of tongue-in-cheek, but everything that I said happened, actually happened.


Re: Travel Tips

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 10:19 pm
by veggiebug
First things first...
HELLO everyone I've missed you all!!! We had the computer in Jack's room and it just wasn't working, I could only go on when he was awake and he wouldn't let me be on long.

Next, I also have a pillow in my car, I put it under my arm while driving. It helps so much, otherwise I've been getting pains in my wrist and shoulder, to the point I doubted if I could make long trips anymore. But I still opt for shotgun, and Jon drives.

I haven't had the luxary of flying yet, but let me tell you someone will go with me so I can get some help.

And to bring up a question I had...If I'm at a store I always have use of a cart. How would a handicap parking tag work better? Or in what circumstances do those of you who have one find it helpful? Maybe it's not for me yet? But I wanted to know, just in case I'm overdoing it somehow. Goodness knows I've waking up to the fact I'm sort of falling apart.

Re: Travel Tips

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 12:07 pm
by Carolyn J
Helloooo Traci,
We've missed you!
Yes, YES!!...yes, YES! the handicapped card saves you & me many times over! Parking places near entrances..bad weather when it takes longer to load the cart bags into the car with 1 hand/arm; less risk of triping/faling; definetly wil help you load/unload "My Jack"!!

As we age,(yes, you are now noticing, huh?!) we are more at risk for falling tripping,fractures and breaks of our limbs and hips. There are other "saves" that it helps alot to but I drew a blank!...LOL

Do, do take care & get that handicapped card. IT saves! I carry it with me when travelling for rental cars.

((((HUGS))) all around your house,
Gramma Carolyn J...[sometimes very bossy ;) ]

Message was edited by: Carolyn J

Re: Travel Tips

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 10:14 am
by Kath
Hi Traci
I'm glad to see you back. I bet Jack keeps you hopping and all the lifting will cause you to have backaches for quite sometime.

I use to park in the back of all parking lots to get the extra exercise/walking in... When the doctors said that I should have a handicap parking because of all the secondary issues I got one. I continued to park in the back of parking lots when I had a basket to push. I stopped when my PT told me I was hurting my spine when I pushed the carts. It is due to the length/strength difference in my arm. When we push the basket we tend to push harder with unaffected arm twisting our spines to compensate for the length difference. I hope I am explaining it so you understand. When it was demonstrated to me how I was putting stress on my spine and knees I realized it was time to park up front.
You have Jack with you all the time and that just adds to the weight of the carts and the difficulty when pushing carts. I hope this encourages you to get your tag and stop overusing your body. I think I refused to accept I had limitations for so long I cause more harm than was necessary. I think I was trying to prove I could do anything to myself.

I hope your enjoy your sweet little guy. :) :)

Kath robpi/adult

Re: Travel Tips

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 9:14 pm
by veggiebug
Thanks Jack's Gramma Carolyn, I think Jack has helped me realize there's a lot more lifting to do these days.

And Kath, how ironic that you put it that way. I've been having a lot of trouble with carts lately. I mean A LOT, the other day I got one of those cute car ones because someone offered it to me for Jack and WOW what a difference, those run so much smoother. I wish we could get electric ones for people like us. The mini ones are great but I can't use them when Jack's with me.

I'm going to check into one, it's got to be better than struggling with those darn carts. Now if I can talk myself into using it when I don't "think" I need to that will be the next step.

Thanks again.

Re: Travel Tips

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 10:06 am
by Carolyn J
I am sooo glad you get it! The sooner you start
"saving yourself" the better it will be for you.

Gad Traci! My Jack is heavy!...you need to get the card ASAP!!

HUGS all around your house,
Gramma Carolyn J

Re: Travel Tips

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 5:39 pm
by brandonsmom
Oh, the shopping cart. I have been having problems with my arm, my right, just like my little Brandon !! Very little range of motion, alot of pain. I think it is God's way of telling me what my little (9 year old) is going through at school. But the shopping cart kills me. Especially if I have reallu shopped. By the end of the trip my arm is in so much pain. I am also diabetic and the Dr. is insisting I get a handicapped permit. Although the weather here is always 70 degrees(HA, HA I'm in illinois) he insists that I not risk the trip and fall in terrible snowy weather. This year has proved that I need one. He told me that I can always walk if the weather is good but he prefers if the weather is bad that I handicap it Gayle mom of Brandon ROPBI !!!

Re: Travel Tips

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:13 pm
by Carolyn J
So when are You going to get "The Card"??? :)

HUGS all around your house,
Grandma Carolyn J (ooo, that sounds soooo good!)