United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Torn?? - Page 3
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Re: Torn??

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 11:48 am
by Wendy Lee
What you got in response was somewhere around a 50/50 split of those who did and those who didn't. And they/we gave reasons for both. We all responded to your subject title, 'Torn??' Do I or don't I. The information that came out of your post is very informative for others I might add, who may be feeling the same way. We all have different reasons for every action we take in life. What another person does, for whatever reason, rarely affects those outside of the immediate family and freinds. You and your husband are not the only ones who will have to live with this decision, and if that's okay, great. No one will have a problem with it I'm sure.

As for Canadian healthcare, I've spoken with a goodly number of persons who have problems with the system in Canada. My mother for one. She asked me some months back how long it would take to get a non-emergency MRI performed and I said I didn't really know. She said up there it would be about a month, maybe a bit more. Well two weeks later I found out how long as I needed one on my cervical spine, and it was scheduled for 5 days later. I've spoken with others where a lumbar MRI for SI problems took 2 months to get done.

You know it is not the medical communities fault for this either. It is the government's hand in it that is the problem. My mother told me last year the BC Auto Insurance entity had really pissed her off with what they did. Why I asked. She said that during 2006 there were fewer repair and replacement claims for auto accidents, and they had a surplus of funds available after all was said and done. Something in the area of $20,000,000.00 +, and instead of putting it away for a year of high claims and costs, they decided to divvy it up between the employees across the province instead. Those in higher places got a bundle, and it trickled down from there. So I have little respect for government run providers. And strange as it is, I work here in the States for a State agency too, so I kinda know both ends of the issue. My work involves payments through a program that enable persons who are mentally and physically disabled to be either on their own or living with family. And more than once I've gone to bat for them and their families when head office becomes ignorant and cold when they think a service shouldn't be allowed. They don't talk to the mental health clients or their families directly, I do. I help in finding solutions for things like the inncontinent client who's pins in his hips are backing out and head office won't authorize a washer and dryer for his apt. He is in a wheelchair most of the time because of the pain and can't possibly bring his soiled bed linens nearly every day to the laundrymat. Plus the embarrassment of a grown man having to do this, where's the dignity in that. So I help in finding solutions for this sort of thing. It's part of my job, and unfortunately it tends to overlap into the rest of my life.

Re: Torn??

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 2:11 pm
by cassidysmom
alright if you feel this is a debate fine with me. you obviously are not capable of offering someone compassionate advice...only your opinion..which really doesn't matter in an issue like this.
Wendy Lee..I also was in a bad car accident three years ago,where I fractured my C2..among other less life threatening injuries. I was given all the tests that I needed...IMMEDIATELY....my point is that when it's a true emergency..in Canada you are taken care of right away...yes there are wait times for non life threatening things...and yes there are wait times in the ER..why? because people are clogging them with colds and sore throats...Canada's health care system is not perfect by any means BUT neither is the State's...personally I am very glad to not HAVE to file suit to pay for my daughters surgery and therapy..I know that it's not just going to run out on me at any given time either. The only reason I care to file suit is to inform the doctor of what he did and how it has affected and will always affect Cassidy...and maybe just maybe prevent him from doing it again..all the cynics in the world will laugh in my face but I don't care...I still believe in humanity and I always will...shoot me if I ever end up so bitter that I can't see the humanity in someone and that I teach my kids the same thing.

Re: Torn??

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 4:05 pm
by Kimberlee
This is Kimberlee, my son Joey was injured at birth with a BP Injury and he has gone thru 2 surgeries, splinting, Thera Togs, SARO Brace, and has so many scars it isnt funny.. WELL WE SUED! and I went thru HECK over it, 4 long years and we finally went to trial the last 3 weeks and the jury found the healthcare provider "NOT GUILTY". I couldnt believe it! It was worse than actually going thru everything with Joey and this injury,,, talk about MAD well that is an understatement! I am so disapointed that after everyones hard work she had been found NOT GUILTY, it was a complete outrage.. Sueing is one of the hardest things to go thru so if you make that decision, which by the way I am all for, just be prepaired ... If you can handle it , go for it!!!!

Re: Torn??

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:05 pm
by cassidysmom
Hey Kimberlee..thatnks for sharing your experienvce with me...I'm really sorry to hear about your outcome..it's just not right at all....I wish you and your family the best in seeking future treatments and healing for you son.
Dawn mommy to Cassidy 17 months ROBPI

Re: Torn??

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 10:19 am
by ccorkra
Hi Dawn,
This is definitely a very personal issue. We decided to sue mainly because we wanted to make sure that Lucy was taken care of later in her life if she needs further surgeries and therapy and possibly lost income. I think that one major thing to find out is if there is a statute of limitation to file suit. The statute of limitation in Georgia is 2 years following the event. We started interviewing with attorneys when she was about 6 months old to see what they thought about the case. We found one attorney that felt we had a case and by the time we actually filed the suit Lucy was almost 2. I've felt extremely angry throughout the process but it definitely comes and goes. With our experience there have been lulls between the times of filing, discovery/depositions, etc. It is a drawn out process and there is definitely a lot of patience and waiting involved. Our suit is ongoing so I can't say anymore right now but definitely look into whether or not there is a statute of limitation for filing suit. That may affect your decision. Carol, mom to Lucy, 2years LOBPI

Re: Torn??

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 6:11 pm
by cassidysmom
hey thanks!..I actually looked into statue of limitations and as far as I can find there isn't one for an injury like this...I'm currently in the process of looking for a lawyer who handles cases like this....thanks again for you advice!
Dawn mommy to Cassidy 17 months

Re: Torn??

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 7:45 am
by Mare
In many states in the US the parents have until the child is 18 to file a suit then the child at 18 has the right to sue if this is the case in Canada maybe you could wait awhile or leave the choice up to Cassidy. All I know is lawsuits are hell. I chose to sue and it took 6 years, I spent that 6 yrs in a state of panic, depression and rage instead of being able to enjoy my baby. I still get very sad when I think about the special time that was lost. We did win and the money and it helps a lot there are so many things other then medical that my son needed. I don't know how bad Cassidy's injury is Frankies is the worst you can have total loss of feeling and function so he needed a lot of adaptive things as he grew everything from beds to bikes. The saddest part is this also cost me my marriage the stress and pain and anger we were both going through just tore us apart and we had a great marriage up until all of it started. Sometimes we make decisions with out weighing the consequences it will have on us or our loved ones emotionally and this is something that can't always be fixed. I wish you the best of luck and will be praying for you. Mare

Re: Torn??

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 10:17 am
by cassidysmom
Hi Mare...

Thank you so much for sharing you experience...and the "hell" you speak of is exactly why I am having such a hard time making this choice!...a ruined marriage and years of precious time lost is a very high price...but at the same time you don't want to sit idly by....thank you again...
Dawn Mommy to Cassidy 17 months ROBPI

Re: Torn??

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 10:32 pm
by Kaiden'smom
So, just wondering what happened, did you decide to sue? I just found this site and was reading all the responses you got. At first we didn't think we were going to sue, but now I've researched it more, I think we are at least going to consult with lawyers to see if we have a case. My son's still very little, he's 8 weeks tomorrow, so we have a long road ahead of us. Our insurance is already trying to not pay for the PT, I'm afraid of what else the will deny him. I hope your little girl is getting better, that what's most important.

Re: Torn??

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 6:13 pm
by !Jess!
I spent about a year and a half going through about a dozen lawyers. I actually couldn't find a lawyer that would take my case. Then the statue of limitations ended. Good luck in your decision.