United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Post-Surgical Follow-Up - Page 3
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To Dan

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2001 5:09 am
by admin
Hi, interesting post! I see from stanmore ref you are UK yeah? There's a small UK BPI meeting on the 24th of this month in Essex, do you want to go?
That is an interesting theory about how recovery can still occur many years post trauma, i'd like to hear more on that! Like the 'tude dude, i'll email you, good luck, dave

Re: Post-Surgical Follow-Up

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2001 6:36 am
by lizzyb
Hi Dan,

this is just to say hello and to also invite you to the bpi get together that Dave has mentioned....it's being hosted at my house in Essex on the 24th this month (short notice I know!)and I/we would love to meet you, 'specially as you're another ex-Stanmore patient!!
I will mail you with the details...hope you can come...
love from Liz