United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Topomax - Page 11
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Re: Topomax

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 3:01 am
by JennG0427
I am so glad I found this message board about Topamax.

I should state that I do not have TBI, and I am very sorry for those of you who do, and those of you that have loved ones that do as well.

My Dr. prescribed this drug for me for weight loss at 100mg two times daily. I stayed on it for one week and felt so lousy that I started researching it when I stumbled on this board. Well, everyone here confirmed exactly what I had been suspecting the Topamax was doing to me (feeling "stupid", lethargy, sleeping too much, seeing stars, forgetfulness, hairfall) the list goes on and on.

Yes, I totally lost my appetite along with 10 pounds - which is an amazing amount for one week. However, I would rather weigh 1 ton and have my wits about me than be a thin, hairless vegetable.

I understand that there are people who need this drug, but I hope that doctors do not start handing this out like candy to basically healthy people who need to lose weight.

I have been off of it for about a wwek and half now. I have yet to get my memeory, appetite or energy back.

This is a serious drug. I think they should treat like a narcotic such as Demerol or Valium and it should be a handwritten-only prescription and the pharmacists should keep it locked up behind the counter with the narcotics.

If word gets out how well this works to make people lose weight, teens and other will be desperate to get their hands on this like they do on the streets with Xanax and Vicodin.

For those who don't truly need it to live, it's a terrible drug. Just my two cents.

Re: Topomax

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 12:50 pm
by schulzy
HELP! I am a headache sufferer as of only eight months ago. I recently went to the neurologist and was on Effexor for about a month and it had no effect on me. I was then put on Topomax. Just three days ago, my dosage has been increased to 30mg a day. I have been sooooo dizzy the past three days and have been having terrible dreams and a horrible time sleeping. My headaches are so-so. I don't think I have migranes yet I am on this drug. Do any of you out there have suggestions for me?

Re: Topomax

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 6:18 pm
by angelicamb
To Karen Hillyer-I wish I had carpal tunnel-at least doctors know how to treat that! I am at least feeling some relief with the Topomax. As with ANY DRUG, the key seems to be paying attention to your body and keeping the doc in check. They love to toss the drugs out there and we, as Americans, are always looking for the next "quick fix". I am shocked at how quickly many of the folks on this board have increased their dosages. I guess I am fortnate that my doc is a Stanford grad and knows better (?). Kind of a scary thought, though isn't it? I wish more people would listen to their bodies and instincts and encourage the medical profession to work with them instead of just blindly following instructions (no offense to anyone out there-as I stated earlier I grew up in the Kaiser system so believe me I know about bad medicine!). Although it was encouraging to read that article last week in the Wall Street Journal about the recent trend moving away from unneccesary surgery........

Re: Topomax

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 6:22 pm
by angelicamb
To JennG0427

It's unfortunate that your doc started you on such a huge dose. I'm at 75mgs after more than a month and can't imagine what you must have felt like starting out at 100. It's scary. And you're right-if word gets out to the crazed masses that doctors are willing to prescribe this as a quick fix for weight loss we could be in for big trouble.

Re: Topomax

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 1:43 am
by JennG0427
Hi Angelicamb,

Actually it was 100 TWICE a day.

One of my friends, who to me anyway, is not overweight at all, saw a segment on Good Morning America all about Topomax and weight loss.

Here is the link: http://abcnews.go.com/sections/living/G ... 21008.html .

Anyway, she has been asking me for mine since I told her I'm not taking them anymore, she even offered me money for them. I guess she asked her doctor for it and her doctor just laughed her off.

I think it's really scary when mainstrem news programs like GMA are pushing the weight loss benefit of this drug, personally I feel there must be some drug companies behind this looking to make their share of the billions of dollars of the weight loss industry.

I just wonder how many people will get seriously hurt in the process? Hopefully, healthy people like me will just listen to their bodies and quit taking it on their own.

How are you doing on the drug? Is it helping the illness that you are taking it for?

Re: Topomax

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 1:48 pm
by JennG0427
hi. does anyone know if the side effects of topomax are permenent or if they go away? thanx.

Re: Topomax

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 9:28 pm
by angelicamb
To JennG0427:

Good plan not to give it to your friend-did you read the posting from the person who stopped taking it cold turkey and passed out behind the wheel?! As for me, I am doing quite well (because I listen to my body and keep doc in check with the doses), and in answer to the next question you posted: yes, if given time and the dosage slowly increased the majority of the side effects do wear off. I still have numbness in the feet and tingling in the hands but it is easing up and doc swears up and down it will go away. I'm going to check out your link now.....

Re: Topomax

Posted: Thu May 01, 2003 1:28 pm
by admin
I know that my reply is late but I just saw your message. Yes, I also had side-effects with Topomax. I lost weight while on this med. and also became forgetful while taking it. It got worse as the dosage was increased. I did not become depressed but became very agitated when I reached the maximum dosage (which was 75 mg.) I couldn't sleep at night--only about 3 hrs a night! It was so unsettling for me that I went off the medication. I also experienced severe heart palpitations before I went off of it. The lower dosage that I took in the beginning (12 mg--I split one 25 mg pill in 1/2) was not a problem. I took this medication for migraines.

hair loss?

Posted: Sun May 04, 2003 9:47 pm
by admin

I have been taking this med for 1 month and have continued to lose more hair than necessary. will it stop, and if so how soon? i'm on 75 miligrams a night.
Reply please

Re: hair loss?

Posted: Mon May 05, 2003 10:08 am
by angelicamb
I'm baffled on this one; I haven't experienced any excess hair loss and am on the same dose. Have you considered increasing your protein intake to compensate? Perhaps the medication is depleting protein stores in the body? I just happen to be on a sugar-free diet (and therefore protein-rich), so it is the only thing I can come up with. Kind of makes sense, though since hair and nails are essentially dead protein cells, right?