United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Preschool advice, anyone? - Page 2
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Re: Preschool advice, anyone?

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 10:40 am
by tylergsmom
I was wondering where you can get one of these "information for schools" sheets?

Re: Preschool advice, anyone?

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 11:11 am
by njbirk
You can find the 'Information for Schools' sheet in last year's (Fall 2003) Awareness Issue of Outreach or on the website here:

Claudia is planning to update this sheet for UBPN for the next Awareness issue, coming out this Fall.

Nancy Birk
UBPN President

Re: Preschool advice, anyone?

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 2:39 pm
by dmom

I am glad preschool was such a good experience for your child, and I expect we'll have the same experience!
"No hand-holding" is a terrific suggestion. That kind of serves as an all-around protective measure, since the danger of yanking the arm out of the socket again it always possible.
The hardest part of this, I think, is realizing that for the first time in 3 years, my eyes (which are so well-trained on what to look out for in protecting my son - as all of us moms and dads can attest!) will not be on Danny for several mornings a week.
But you're right in advising against overdoing it. I am of the same mindset you are, in terms of protecting but letting Danny be normal and not expecting the teachers to be therapists. Thanks so much!


Re: Preschool advice, anyone?

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 3:39 pm
by dmom

That's great to hear that your daughter did so well. Wouldn't you know: In our school district, you HAVE to enroll the child in the preschool for kids with disabilities to get therapy. You can get speech therapy - just not OT. My wonderful tax dollars at work ... but that's a subject for another time!
Thanks for the links you sent me. I really appreciate that!


Re: Preschool advice, anyone?

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 10:57 pm
by burd
My son has had his arm yanked by his older brother and nothing happened

and he has hung from bars and nothing happened.

He went to a religious preschool and all the kids were great and the only thing that ever happened was he got knocked down on the playground by kids playing football and he chipped a tooth. It would have happened to any kid.

As for the potty thing I say avoid pants with buttons for a while. Elastic waists are better and you can give overall's a try too. Nobody wipes with two hands so he/she will learn eventually.

Our son has also managed to survive kindergarten without any problems. The only difference is that he used a slant board to hold his paper but he wasn't the only one in the class with one.