United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Texas Children's Hosp - Dr Shenak - Page 2
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Re: Texas Children's Hosp - Dr Shenak

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 6:52 pm
by Kath

I am so happy for you and Mikaela. I am sure she will enjoy all the new movements she gains. Glad you had such a good experience. I am sure it was a hard decision to make.

PS. I am an adult/obpi

Re: Texas Children's Hosp - Dr Shenak

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 11:25 pm
by admin
We actually just got back from an evaluation with him. He performed the Mod Quad operation on my son Ian, one year ago. I would HIGHLY recommend Dr. Shenaq. He has been very kind and gracious to us every time we have seen him. He is a very gentle man and a very skilled surgeon. I think that there are many highly skilled surgeons in this field, and the final decision you make is a personal one. YOU have to see who you like. Having said that,I think that if you did choose Dr. Shenaq, would would not regret it. Good luck to you.