United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • re tendon transfers - Page 2
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Re: re tendon transfers

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2001 8:53 am
by admin
NICE ONE Karlos you're soon up and running after the surgery! BEst of luck to Athos for yours in a few days too. You explained the procedure good Karl. It was Simon Kay at Leeds where you had it done, right?

His email is on there, let him know how you get on! Simon is a very busy guy but tries to help enquirers by email if anyone wants to enquire about tendon trans or whatever.
Good luck and a happy new year peeps!

Re: re tendon transfers

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2001 1:03 pm
by Mindy
What kind of injuries does this surgery work for? My fingers are completely curled in and can not straighten themselves. So six to eight times per day I do ROM. Once my fingers are straight they do not stay unless I hold them. Its almost like they regressed backwards. If you look at a newborn's hand when they are sleeping that is exactly what mine does. My thumb and wrist are 'froze' so I think they are pretty much toasted but I am wondering if this is a surgery designed to fix something like I have or is it intended for a different type of injury.

Re: re tendon transfers

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2001 1:15 pm
by karlos
If you can clench your fist & have a good grip , then i'm fairly sure that a tendon transfer would work to streighten your fingers,you really need to see a hand surgeon.

Re: re tendon transfers

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2001 4:47 pm
by Dave m
Hi Karl, i replied this earlier this morning but it didn't appear - hope i dont reply twice.. great about the transfers being 'a piece of cake' - i hope you and athos get good recovery from that in the new year.
To the person asking for info on tendon trans, Karl explained well, his surgeon Simon Kay (when he's not busy operating on Karl) replies enquiries by email, tho he IS a busy guy,,
i hope he can answer your queries further - get rested up Karl!

re tendon transfers

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 7:24 pm
by karlos
Merry xmas everyone,
i'v just got back in from hospital and a bit tired but just thought i,d let you know every thing went ok & there were no problems,To Athos and everyone else intrested ill post more details when i come round a bit.

cheers karl.