United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Earning your life... - Page 2
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Re: Earning your life...

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2003 11:44 am
by Cliff
Hi Hopeless,
Hang in there. I'm in a very, very similar situation to yours. Have you contacted OVR, thats the Office of Vocational Rehabilitaion? You are, most likely, entitled to grants from the state and/or federal government for job training. I'm involved right now in a program in Pennsylvania called "Career Links". It's a state funded intensive training program that teaches you how to write a resume and cover letter, and how to do an interview. Such a program might be in your area as well. I always perform well on the job but usually don't remain employed for very long. This is the "actual disability" isn't it - physical disability aside. I'm interested in this part of our problem, the problem of getting and keeping a job. I have started a yahoo group that is dedicated to the problem of compensation for people with partial disabilities. I'm interested in starting a company that would hire people only if they do have a disability like BPP and I'm also interested in starting a class action lawsuit against our government on the grounds that when they deny us the right to serve our country, they cause the "actual disability", though not the physical one. We spend the rest of our lives trying to work around the "actual disability" which is we are not intitled to - the honor of having served, a pension for having served, jobs that are reserved for those who have served, and any other benifits that come with having served our country. If you want to read more about this approch to our problem please join my yahoo group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ERBSBPP and feel free to post messages there. Once you establish a yahoo e-mail address you can access any yahoo group. I also have a website, http://wwww.erbs-brachial-plexus-palsy.4t.com and there you will find some information as to why I feel that a class action lawsuit is a valid idea, and there are also links to sites about BPP. Good Luck!