United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • $2M OBPI VERDICT - Page 2
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Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 9:52 am
by admin
Did You file a separate claim for yourself & your dh?


Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 2:03 pm
by marymom
dear guest, the seperate claim question is excellant question, do people do that?

Lauren and her family


Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 11:38 pm
by mom_2x_2002
Congratulations!!!! I would have to wonder the same thing as Layne. Did I get the right attorney? It has been another 2wks since I spoke with our attorney. At that time he said he found an attorney here in WI who was willing to help him. It was a very short conversation and let me tell you. It seems short alot of the times. Makes me wonder!!!

Can you email me your attorney information? Maybe an email or # for them.

Thanks again and congrats!!!
Nicki nicki@g2a.net


Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2003 4:17 pm
by admin
Guest, and Marymom,

In our state of Illinois, the statute of limitation had come before our first lawyer filed suit. Had he filed before the 2 year limitation, from what I understand, we would have been able to be reimbursed for medical expenses paid to date, as well as anguish etc...The reason why it wasn't filed is because he couldn't find an expert doctor willing to backlash another. We came across the attorney's who did win our case, via newspaper that featured the firm in a story of a winning verdict for brachial plexus injury at birth.
It sure would have been nice to get a kick back...but i'm so greatful that Lauren gets hers.
Lauren's parents


Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 2:28 am
by admin
Congratulations for your daughter and family. I am very interested in your lawyers referral. Does your lawyer have an e-mail address that we could write him and does he know of someone who would take adult cases? My husband was injured in surgery following a Spinal Fusion C4 - C5 and C5 - C6, he could not move or bend his right arm. Any info you could give us would help.Please post or e-mail us. Thanks


Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 3:13 am
by JJMCats
Congratulations on your daughters lawsuit. I am however very sad that she has this injury in the first place. My husband had a Cervical Neck Fusion C4 - C5 and C5 - C6 in April 2002 . when he woke out of surgery he had no movement of his right arm. He can move his fingers and has good grip. Still no better to this date. Would your lawyer know of anyone in the Arizona area that we could contact on filing a law suit? If so please write us back or e-mail us , or give us his e-mail. If anyone else has a similar situation and could help we would appreciate it. Thanks


Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2003 3:55 pm
by Jo Ann
Congratulations on Laurens victory!! My nephew had surgery just 3 weeks ago at 4 1/2 months. I was not in the delivery room when he was delivered. However, 6 weeks before the delivery my sisters physician did an ultrasound and said that the baby would be approx. 7 lbs. Anthony (my nephew) weighed in at 10 lbs 1 oz.

The nurse originally tried delivering the baby. But when she saw that she was having difficulty she had the doctor step in. It wasn't long before the nurse called for help and several doctors and nurses came in. My sister recalls them giving her a sheet and playing tug of war with her husband to help her push the baby out. She said several people were pushing on her stomach to help push the baby out (is that normal?).

Anyhow, my mom was at the foot of the bed. She could see the doctor pulling on the baby's head as well as twisting him every way to get him out. They also used forceps. I don't think any other measure was used to get the baby out. When he was finally delivered his right arm was just hanging and it was blue.

My sister has since seen a lawyer here in Oklahoma City before a cap was put July 1st. The lawyers filed before that new law could go into effect. They did say that my sister definetly has a good case.

My sister was not sure about proceeding with a lawsuit. She blames herself a lot. However, both me and my mom encourageed her to do so. She was never told about the baby's injury. The day of the delivery the doctor told her that the baby would eventually be fine and get mobility in his arm. My sister was never even told that the diagnosis was Brachial Plexus.

About 6 weeks after the baby's birth my sister was trying to do some of her own research to see if she could get any information on his injury. She got on the web and searched for "newborn injuries" and got all these links on Brachial Plexus. It was the first time she heard those words. When she took the baby to her doctor that delivered him...she asked her doctor to refer her to a physical therapist. It wasn't till the baby was 3 1/2 months that I got on a website to find a lawyer....a lawyer contacted us and when she went to see him he encouraged her to get the baby's records. When she read the hospital records the diagnosis on the baby's chart was "Brachial Plexus"... The doctor knew all along what the diagnosis was and never informed my sister. It seems to me she was trying to hide something or she needs to go back to school and get a clue.

I hope that this malpractice suit goes as well as yours did. Any information you can give us would be great!!


Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 9:35 am
by admin
Congrats!! A fight worth fighting! I am so glad to hear that you won your case. Best wishes to you all!


Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2003 2:33 am
by Tanya Taleff
Hi, my name is Tanya and I have a 3 year old son the suffers from BPI. He was 12# at birth and was stuck during delivery. We are now in the process of our suit against the doctor, and i was wondering if there is any way that you can tell me what kind of process you went through and exactly how much pain your child had to go through. I would greatly apprciate a response. Thank you Tanya Taleff