United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Religious Content: Saint Katharine Drexel Shrine - Page 2
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Re: Religious Content: Saint Katharine Drexel Shrine

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 10:50 pm
by marymom
you rock on
everyone has their own way,
and you have made yours, and I think you rock,

you know the saying...be careful what you pray for because you might get it!

that said, peace and love to Fran and anyone else, may your prayers and thoughts be answered in the very best of ways :)

Re: Religious Content: Saint Katharine Drexel Shrine

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2003 9:45 am
by Karen Hillyer
knowing you as I do, I admire you immensely,
you are truly an inspiration to all the children and parents in our group, and NOT just because of your arm!
I hope and pray that Gavin will find the same self worth, and acceptance of his arm as you have.
I also hope and pray that he too, will be as caring and
thoughtful towards others as you are.
I must admit I haven't prayed for healing for Gavin myself, but as a baby, prior to his surgery my Aunt went on a pilgrimage to Lourdes and brought us back Holy Water - so every time he has had surgery since he has had Lourdes Holy water sprinkled on him. Who knows if it does ANY good, but we do know it doesn't do ANY harm !!
Your question was thought provoking and you were right to ask it - sometimes I wish I had your wisdom.
God bless you and your family this Easter
Karen and family