United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • BPI DOC. - Page 2
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Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 4:46 pm
by jennyb
Thanks Princess, I'm having to rely on good info from you guys because it's not easy to work out who's who in the US tbpi world. I'd like to eventually have a list of docs and their publications about tbpi treatment, that way people can see who is doing what.
A question-if the facility nearest you specialises mainly in obpi and you find a doc somewhere else who has more experience in tbpi, are the insurance companies aware of how important it is for tbpi to see the more tbpi experienced doc, or do they just look at them as 'bpi specialists' without making that very important distinction?


Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 1:14 pm
by joan/rusty
Hi Again,
Thanks for the advice. Maybe I will find the right person. Really hard to do. Dr. Kline' nurse is going to let me in to read my MRI. so we will see.



Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 9:10 pm
by Princess
Jenny- insurance wants their customers to see participating doctors only. They don't understand the difference of obpi & tbpi or the inportance of going to one of the best, most experienced doctors. They try to pass off the following doctors to treat bpi: Orthopedic surgeons, Neurosurgeons, Hand & Upper Extremity-Microsurgeons. They don't differentiate the need for a "bpi specialist" and are pretty general in their search of doctors to send you to. Right now my PCP- Primary Care Physician is helping me fight to have Dr. Wolfe covered since he's out of network. My insurance claims they have "plenty" of in-network doctors that I can see but my PCP is explaining to them that not many doctors specialize in this type of injury & I would need to see one who specializes in adults. I'm in the process of trying to get this approved & will keep you update. Also, I'll try to find Dr. Wolfe's Curriculum so you can check it out, its quite extensive. I got a copy from his office but don't know how to find it online. He also has several publications. If you do a search on: Dr. Scott W. Wolfe, you'll come up with several documents carrying info on him including his publications. I'll pass on more info once I get a hold of it.


Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 10:48 am
by sarmstrong806
Im a 19 year old TBPI and I've had one surgery at TCH by Dr. Nath, Shenaq assisted on it. I had two by Dr. Nath at Methodist which is close by. I'm now working with Dr. Klebuc and Dr. Shenaq on muscle transfers, and possibly a complete ulnar nerve transfer.


Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 10:50 am
by sarmstrong806
Well I forgot to ad tht he is a great Doc. I highly reccomend the staff at TCH and Baylor College of Medecine.


Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 12:09 pm
by admin
Dr. Alain DeLotbiniere, Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT. He and Dr. Scott Wolfe performed my 9 yr. old son's BP surgery. Dr. Wolfe has since moved to NY clinic. The one referred to in other messages. I'd be happy to share info.


Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 12:10 pm
by admin
Dr. Alain DeLotbiniere, Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT. He and Dr. Scott Wolfe performed my 9 yr. old son's BP surgery. Dr. Wolfe has since moved to NY clinic. The one referred to in other messages. I'd be happy to share info.


Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 4:46 pm
by Gianni
Dr. Kline did my son's surgery in November. He does adults all the time and from all over the world. He wrote the book on this subject and is studied by doctors all over. 4 months post surgery, my son is beginning to get some movement back already. He had 9 nerve graphs done.
Maureen aka Gianni's mom