United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • therapy swing, francine! - Page 2
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Re: therapy swing, francine!

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2003 12:08 am
by soulofjustice
Francine I looked on your web site and couldnt find any pics of the swing. I was wondering exactly how it works. If anyone else has any pics please email me.

Re: therapy swing, francine!

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2003 12:25 am
by francine
About the lordosis forming from the compensatory "C"... just wanted to give you a therapy idea for the kids to lessen the compensation a bit...

Maia will sit on the floor against the wall with a table (one of those stacking steps) in front of her (about 18" high). On that will be a large toy - some kind of house or car thing. So she has to reach up to get the toy to the top BUT the table holds her in position and the back is supported by the wall. I thought the idea was ingenious - we are having really good luck with the current therapists.

Barb - I don't have picture of the swing yet because we didn't buy it yet.. BUT I will take some pictures at therapy on Thursday and post it.
