United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Falling - Page 2
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Re: Falling

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2002 9:48 am
by Kathleen M
For lack of a better word

I just call is my body boundary! I am not aware where the right side is....

I always run people off the path unless on my left side... I have good balance and was great at running sports as a kid... but bang in to doorways.....I think its the doorway's fault!!! they are after me!!!

I am going out to dinner for the next few nights...and I always appear to be so picky... I want my husband on my right obpi side and I eat left handed so I need a seat for lefty.... I love round tables and I still keep him on my right.. it is easier then I don't have to pass food he takes it for me... guess I let him help now!

If I trip I will not put the right hand out to save me... but I am pretty sure footed... I think it was all the dancing lessons and gymnastics and walking balance beams...(of course they were always on the floor)

If any one finds my missing body boundary please e-mail it to me... I want to finish with PT... LOL..


Re: Falling

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2002 11:12 am
by mjwjr
I run into things because they look too far, but then, I hit the wall.

Re: Falling

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2002 1:53 pm
by Michelle_16
Yeh it definately is hard to keep the walls from comin too close to us! but at least we're all in the same boat and now i no im not crazy!

I have a 4yr old sister and she is always bangin into things and doors and i do the same and i didnt think it was normal but aslong as you all do it 2 im fine!

lol! im gonna start a campaign to have walls cemented into the groud so they cant bump us!!!

Michelle x