United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Has anyone won a Brachial Plexus Injury case? - Page 2
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Re: Has anyone won a Brachial Plexus Injury case?

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2002 10:49 am
by admin
I assure everyone that brachial plexus cases can be, and are won in Court. It is true that many cases do settle prior to trial, but cases are also won at trial. Of course every case is different. Different facts, different court, different lawyers. Do not be frightened that some cases do lose. That is the nature of the system. If you believe your child was harmed due to medical negligence you should consult with a lawyer experienced in brachial plexus cases. Medical malpractice cases are taken on a contingency fee basis by attorneys so you have little to lose but your time.

Remember, if you do not fight for your child who will. If you do go through the legal process, win or lose you will know that you did all that you could for your child.

Again, I assure you that cases do win.

Ken Levine

Re: Has anyone won a Brachial Plexus Injury case?

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2002 1:47 pm
by admin
Hello, I live in St.louis and have a case going right now. no word about it yet. my lawyer is still going through all the paperwork . Just thought I'd share this with you since you were wondering about missouri. My son has a lobpi and he is almost 9 months old. He had primary surgery on July 16th at texas childrens hospital in houston, by Dr.Laurent.

Re: Has anyone won a Brachial Plexus Injury case?

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2002 5:35 pm
were you happy with dr laurent?my son had o so far just dx at 18 mos

Re: Has anyone won a Brachial Plexus Injury case?

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2002 5:38 pm
sorry to hear about ryan, i too have a ryan 18 mos old
i'm just starting our journey i have poswell and white here in sac ca malpractice laywers who speacialize in sueing kaiser 25 yrs let me know how it goes i just want ryan to know we did everything we could. goodluck!

Re: Has anyone won a Brachial Plexus Injury following a motorbike accident?

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2002 6:39 am
by admin
I would be very interested to know of any successful lawsuit in the UK for a BP injury following a motorcycle accident/ road traffic accident .

Re: Has anyone won a Brachial Plexus Injury case?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2002 2:20 am
by soulofjustice
I got an attorny wont mention there name cause they post here alot. I didnt here much from them actually the only reason I did talk to them is cause I called I dropped my first attorny which actually was doing a wonderful job so I did what I considered at the time a good choice to go with an a lawyer with knowledge On BPI and guess what after a 1 and half they dropped me just said that they saw no reason for a lawsuit. Well know my daughter Justice is going to Texas for her first surgery Mod quad and then will need to go back again for another to straighter her arm. THe attorny by there letter made it seem like just cause at the time Justice didnt need surgery they saw no need for surgery know why is it my daugter in order to sue the doc for his actions has to go through a surgery. I have tried to call this lawyer and they do not accept my calls or return them. Think before calling a lawyer that says they know about Brachial plexus injuries and all cause just maybe a lawyer without no knowledge might win the case at least you will be respected as a client anyways

Re: Has anyone won a Brachial Plexus Injury case?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2002 2:14 pm
by pattisy
My 3 year old son has robpi. We didn't seek an attorney until this year. He feels we have a case and is filing here in PA. I guess the most important thing is to feel comfortable with your attorney. And his fee is 1/3.

Re: Has anyone won a Brachial Plexus Injury case?

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2002 3:53 pm
by admin
We won in Oakland County, Michigan. Let me know if you want the details, jeanmhei@aol.com


Re: Has anyone won a Brachial Plexus Injury case?

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 11:52 am
by admin
My name is Melissa Groves and I have a 5 year old son we live in Georgia and We won our law suit against the doctor who hurt our son. He has a severe klumpke's with a horners syndrom I do not know how involved your childs injuries are and I know that in the state of Georgia it is very difficult to even file a malpratice lawsuit. Hopefully all of you have filed the necessary papers before your children turn 2 becuase if not it will be very difficult to recover anything. Just so you are made aware your attorney should only seek to recover his expenses only if you are successfull in your case. If not then maybe you need to find another attorney and if you dont know if you are represented yet I would inquire quickly because I know that records seem to disappear when they catch wind of a lawsuit so please hurry. and yes doctors nurses and all health professionals do seem to stick together but you have the most damming evidence your child. and no one can lie enough or destroy enough recoreds to prove your child is injured!!! so just believe that the truth will come out and pray for good attorneys.
good luck and god bless