United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Life Guard Training - Page 2
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Re: Life Guard Training

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2002 3:11 pm
by Michelle_16
Thanx for that info dave. I think the problem is that BPI is not very common or that ppl are not aware of it! I think we all need to make ppl more aware and maybe that way something will be done!

Also, Lifeguards are trained to treat ppl with asthma, engina(if that is correctly spelt) ppl with back problems etc bcos these are common problems that ppl are well aware of and more that a few ppl in one town suffer from. Its jst ignorance!


Re: Life Guard Training

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2002 8:51 pm
by Carolyn
Thanks for the link. You are so right. There is no way my arm could do this!

Re: Life Guard Training

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2002 9:13 pm
by KathM@ubpn.org
They could get my right arm to curl... but never go straight.... something new to think about... thanks

Re: Life Guard Training

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2002 9:38 pm
by francine
just my 2 cents....

I kept on thinking- what if this were to happen to me...I do aquatic bodywork and I'm in the pool without a lifeguard and I am trained in CPR...

if someone needed to be rescued the only thing that would enter my mind is to work as quickly as I could with however the situation presented itself

if the arm won't go in a position- then so be it - I certainly wouldn't force it - I'm not going to fight with an arm when I have to worry more about other things

there are so many physical disability possibilites - what they should train for is fast thinking, flexibility and compassion for all...and to be aware that physical anomolies will be encountered occasionally.

Michelle - I'm sorry this man was SO rude to both of you. And I would report his attitude to his boss as well.
