United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • What jobs/professions do you/have you done - Page 2
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Re: What jobs/professions do you/have you done

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:12 am
by Judy-T
I worked in retail for 8 years (My parents had a store)
I worked in a packing shed making boxes
Taught migrant children P.E.
Counselor for juvenile delinqents
Market research
Pharmacy tech
Substitute teacher
A full time Mom

Judy 48(ROBPI)

Message was edited by: Judy-T

Re: What jobs/professions do you/have you done

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:06 pm
by LJSL0330
Paid work I've done:
Fast food/cafeteria server
Radio DJ
Hotel front desk clerk/night auditor
Reporting clerk for credit bureau
Retail store clerk
Accounting clerk for bank loan department
Administrative Assistant
Research/teaching assistant (graduate school)

"Regular" Volunteer work I've done:
Hospital candy striper
Red Cross Blood Donor Room volunteer
Opinion editor for college newspaper
Treasurer for club
Newsletter editor for club
Technical crew member for local PBS station
Water station captain for local Y's annual half marathon
Cub scout den leader
Museum docent
Numerous misc days at homeless shelters, low income day care center, nursing home, veterans center, literacy center, etc...

As you can tell - volunteering is VERY important to me. It always helps me to see that a lot of peeople have it a lot worse than I do. No matter what I may be having a pity party about, volunteering always puts things into perspective for me!

Re: What jobs/professions do you/have you done

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 8:47 pm
by lynk
I've only ever had one actual job. I worked in a clothing store that had just opened and am currently a college student.

Re: What jobs/professions do you/have you done

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:50 am
by marieke
Hi Larry, if you do a Search you will see we have a few threads/posts about overuse. Some of it may be of help to you (ideas on how to decrease it).

Marieke 33, LOBPI

Re: What jobs/professions do you/have you done

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 11:15 am
by Master DIVER TOM
I know your in emotial Dispare! I do understand you BIG TIME! I wish my grammer was better? The over use ISSUE is real! I wish I didnt happen but it does. In my past I ripped up my neck and my ERBS arm ! I was driving a semi and end in JACK Knifing my semi and going over a inbankment so I could avoid a head on collistion. I had to pull out of this so a mother and kids could live! Then my trucking I work for went out of bussiness! I ran out of unemployment/twice. I drove for for another trucking outfit and ripped up my only good arm. I am glad I am here for you all, but challenges do and will happen and with the erbs issue and over use to. I was on sucide watch when my good arm got ripped up. The Sosical worker pulled me out of this by saying (Why are you giving up)!! The over use is real , but DISPARE IS WORSE!! I hope you understand that we All suffer but dispare is worse. Man I hope this HELPS!!


Re: What jobs/professions do you/have you done

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 11:58 am
by Master DIVER TOM
I should finish the story I guess? I did end up on SSD, I still scuba dive with help and I still find Joy when I can. I will in spire others to try even tho its way esey to just give up! But I will try to help here if I can?? YOU ARE Not along!! WE DO understand the Pearl of trying and failure and the joy when we find things we can overcome even if by overuse our in my case ripping up my only good arm. I am glad you shared what you had to say!


Re: What jobs/professions do you/have you done

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 9:17 pm
by Master DIVER TOM
First I fell your pain! You work you tryed you need to apply for SSD. Look at your records on your injury and see a SSD lawyer. Are you getting unemployment? I will try to help? I have many injury to my right arm from a work injury 5 years ago and left erbs from birth. They tell me to have more sujurys to my right but it would put me in a nursing home for about a year. I had to acept the pain and still try to find away to find happyness in things I still can try to do. I am glad your here! I am sure others will help with the medical issue and maybe a doctors to see there?


Re: What jobs/professions do you/have you done

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 6:41 am
by Master DIVER TOM
Well I thought I could help,but at this point. You are doing your best to try to overcome the situation your in. I hope someone else hear may help? You know I care I just dont know how to help.


Re: What jobs/professions do you/have you done

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 10:55 am
by Carolyn J
Please look into the Dept/Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation(DVR/BVR) they pay for training & retraining , do testing pertenent to you abilies and disabilities; it's FEDERAL funds & they are distributed diffrently in each state for those persons with disabilities.OBPI's & TBPI's qualifiy. They are located in every city in your State Office Bldgs.

Good Luck, Larry and please let us know how things go for you.
Carolyn J
LOBPI/71 [BA paid by DVR]

Re: What jobs/professions do you/have you done

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:52 pm
by Charlie O
Phone fundraiser
Inside ad sales rep (publishing)
Stock clerk at a record store
Stock clerk and night janitor at a deli
Bookstore clerk
Manuscript Editor
Advertising copywriter