United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • osteopath - Page 2
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Re: osteopath

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2002 2:25 pm
by njbirk
In the US an osteopath has a medical degree. They are Doctors of Osteopathy (D.O.).

When I answered the question in an earlier post I was discussing using an osteopath as my primary care physician for following up with by my bpi and for all other regular general medical care. Obviously there are bad doctors in any specialty and there are good doctors as well.

For information about osteopathy, the American Association of Colleges if Osteopathic Medicine has a good explanation of the history, the extra training beyond medical school and the philosophy.


Re: osteopath

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2002 2:26 pm
by njbirk
Oops forgot to give the website:


Re: osteopath

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2002 8:42 am
by marymom
there are good apples and bad apples- There are good DOs bad DOs good surgeons bad surgeons good midwives bad midwives, the lable is NOT what qualifies and JUST to show you how much I want to rant
There are good that sometimes make mistakes and it doesnt make them bad.
The sin in my book(and I use the term non religeously but somehow ethically) is when a "good" makes a mistake and s/he KNOWS its a mistake and is unable to attempt to rectify the situation for WHATEVER reasons albeit liability,reputation,ego, FEAR, but when they know and they ignore or look the other way it really bothers me and I think as a society we ALL need to look around at the different dynamics that are causing this today, its everywhere in all professions but the medical profession is so...ambiguous where responsibility is concerned ...
Personally I think many OBs and midwives(not homebirth ofcourse)are in complete denial about things like causes of BPIs because they dont even want to look at it- fear- and THAT is one of the biggest blocks we may be looking at in our efforts to prevent BPIs-becaiuse if they dont think theres anything they are doing wrong how the heck^ can they coorect it?

stepping down off my podium, sorry if I got carried away :)
ahhhhh feel much better, yall have a nice day.