United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Pain - Page 2
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Re: Pain

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 6:22 pm
by swhite1
I had some sort of reaction to something, I'm allergic to bee stings and insect bites, passed out and for almost two days I laid on the floor convulsing with my left arm grossly twisted underneath me. After which I regained consciousness but not any common sense. A week later I ended up in the ER at my area V.A. Hospital and didn't leave for 5 months. At the onset I had what appeared to be some sort of nasty bite on my right thumb which got so infected there was immediate talk of skin grafts and lots of IV antibiotics. It seemed to me they were overlooking the fact that my left arm was nothing. At first I compared it to carrying a dead fish with my shoulder. Then the pain began to set in. Whoa boy I don't have to tell anyone here what that was like. My medical records have included the statements I made comparing my arm to London during the Blitzkrieg. Two hundred pound Fire bombs up and down and now and then a couple 500 pounders that would sit me up straight. Jeez, what horrible times those were. I can't say I miss those days.
I'm sorry about your boyfriend. That must have been terrible for you. I hope you've been able to come to terms with everything?
I just lost my youngest brother to a motorcycle accident July 21. He surely will be missed by hundreds if not thousands.
I think I would still like to ride again. The last time I was on one I had a Goldwing and was on a 'poker run'.
Then I wasn't. I was laying in a hospital bed in New Mexico waiting for my new titanium pelvis. That was fun...
I'll see you around the boards Kathleen.