United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • New Here and have a question - Page 2
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Re: New Here and have a question

Posted: Mon May 06, 2002 4:49 pm
by Glenis
Thanks everyone for your messages.
Shannah is a very active girl and will always have a go at anything. Currently, she has dance classes, (ballet, tap, disco, theatrecraft and streetdance). She has swimming lessons and can swim unaided on her front, on her back she goes in circles, and she also goes to Brownies which she enjoys immensely. She can't give the salute with her right hand but is allowed to do it with her left. She's been riding a two wheeler bike since she was 5 years old and can tackle any playground equipment.
I don't think her injury was too severe as she has a fairly good rom, but she can't supinate, her elbow is permanently slightly bent, and she holds her upper arm out at a right angle to her body when doing most activities, (drinking, eating, putting on/taking off glasses etc.)
Last year she had her first surgery. Her coracoid bone was growing abnormally large, so it was removed, and at the same time she had botox injected into the muscle under her shoulderblade. The op wasn't as successful as her surgeon and pt's had hoped, with regard to increasing her rom, but she was in alot of pain beforehand and hasn't complained about it since! There was some talk about the shoulder being slightly dislocated, but she has since had ultrasound and this is not the case.
We live in the UK and have been members of the support group over here since she was 3 years old. I visit their website also but it's not quite as active as yours!!!
Thanks again for your messages. Bye for now,