United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Maia is severely burned from forgetting sunscreen at the wrong time. - Page 2
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Re: Maia is severely burned from forgetting sunscreen at the wrong time.

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 9:13 pm
by Mare
I'm so sorry to hear about Maia I hope she feels better fast. Frankie and I hate the sun both of us are blond, blue eyes and very pale skin 10 min in the sun even with sun screen and we get red and I hate the way I feel afterwards like you said the flu like affects. Please tell her Frankie and I are thinking of her.

Re: Maia is severely burned from forgetting sunscreen at the wrong time.

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 9:17 pm
by Mica

We're so sorry to hear about Maia's burn! YIKES!

I hope she is out of pain quickly!


Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 9:32 pm
by F-Litz
we are now dealing with some infected areas on her non bpi arm - we're doing TES at nighttime to bring more circulation to her arms... we did it last night and the difference was incredible. I'm hoping that tonight I can find a spot big enough that's not burned for the tiny round electrodes so lefty can get some TES, too.


Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 12:37 am
by bfaithda
Poor Mia!!! I hope she gets better soon!!!


Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 10:38 pm
by F-Litz
I hope I'm not saying this too fast - but it looks like we crossed a bridge today and we're in the clear for the serious stuff. Maia still has a little ways to go - I believe she still has remnants of heatstroke but after her first shower and soak bath since, she was able to slough off most of the dead skin and she's healing now so nicely. She's finally without 3 feet of gauze on each arm.

Thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers.


Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:04 pm
by Jordansmom
I'm so happy to hear that Maia's improving Francine...More healing vibes on the way~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Re: Maia is severely burned from forgetting sunscreen at the wrong time.

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:50 pm
by momofnickelman
Sorry Maia is burned, hope she is doing better and healing comfortably soon!


Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:07 am
by Heddip
I know that the zinc/titanium sunscreen might be best for fair people, especially children, but I wanted to mention my favorite sunscreen.

It's the spray-on Coppertone Sport, SPF 70. It's really easy for me to get it on my BPI arm without missing a spot, and really is sweat & waterproof. I've used it for all my marathon training runs and never burnt, despite all the sweat, and water I poured over myself on hot days.

It does still allow me to tan very slowly, but for me that's a good thing since it adds protection. The other day I forgot sunscreen and was out for a bit. Normally I would have burnt badly, but the base tan I now have protected me. I did turn red, but by morning it was tan and there was no pain. What a nice surprise!


Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:22 pm
by Yaritsi's Mom
I'm happy to hear she is getting better. I can't imagine how painful it must be for Maia and you too.

Re: Maia is severely burned from forgetting sunscreen at the wrong time.

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 7:38 pm
by m&mmom
I'm so sorry to hear about Malian's sunburn and the huge issues it's causing her.
I hope she's back to 100% soon!!