United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Mayo May 22nd - Page 2
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Re: Mayo May 22nd

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 8:16 am
by Kath
Sorry this is getting so bad... I stopped all sport except swimming because of issues like this. I think it may be time for more PT and perhaps you can find someone who does Active Release. My PT told me that I form contractures in my left elbow because it is restricted to the length of my robpi arm. I tend to hold it bent and right now I have a huge tight ball on my unaffected arm. See if you can find someone doing ART therapy. They claim its a bit painful when your being worked on. I found it to be just the opposite. I got great relief from it.
Secondary and overuse issues begin so early for us and it's so upsetting. Let you honey keep holding the obpi arm and hand and keeping it warm...LOL...

Re: Mayo May 22nd

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 8:36 pm
by hope16_05
Well my honey kept my right hand warm and did massage or rub my left arm this weekend. Hes really been great putting up with my complaining, I hate that this injury is taking away my activities. I miss going out and doing things for fun like bowling. Every one wants to go bowling this time of year as a break from studying and I cant participate. Its so frustrating!
I hope my OT and my DR can figure out what the problem is so I can have my life back and actually feel when Brett is rubbing my hand. I hate that I cant feel him rub his fingers against my right hand. UHG!

Re: Mayo May 22nd

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 10:35 am
by Mare
Amy did you see the doctor??

Re: Mayo May 22nd

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:08 pm
by hope16_05
Sorry, I meant to update sooner but havent had the time as I was working and then got sick.

So I saw Dr. Moran at the Mayo last Thursday and he is guessing that I have an abnormal case of medial and lateral epicondylitis so basically all the tendons that control the hand (both flexors and extensors) are tearing. The reason he says its abnormal is because of where the pain is when he is pressing on my arm. So anyway he wants me to wear a strap on my arm for a month and be in therapy 2-3 times a week for 4 to 8 weeks and see me back in a month. When I go back he wants me to see a specialist for my shoulder too to see whats going on there. The specialist he is scheduling me with deals mainly with overuse so that should be interesting.

So thats my update for now. So far the strap is helping my arm to not hurt when I drive which is huge because I am driving a lot lately.

Amy 21 years old ROBPI from MN

Re: Mayo May 22nd

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:22 pm
by Kath
I'm glad they are trying to help you and thanks for the update. I never heard of a doctor who specializes in overuse. I think that I should have one as my primary care doctor... :)

Kath robpi/adult

Re: Mayo May 22nd

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:23 pm
by Beckyerin
I have tennis elbow(lateral epicondylities) in left good arm, self diagnosed because I know the symptoms. Your case may be different because you said your tendons are tearing? But anyway I just wanted to share that I went to a massage therapist and had her do aggressive massage(a little painful but worth it) on that extensor tendon and the muscles connected and it has done wonders. Maybe your CHT you see could do that for you.

Re: Mayo May 22nd

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 8:10 pm
by Carolyn J
I do wish that you'd go see that Dr. at Mayo that Amy's seeing. You are our "Poster Child" for Overuse AND Secondary Injuries I've ever met on these Boards.

Please consider going there after Amy clears a path for you... :)

Carolyn J

Re: Mayo May 22nd

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 9:09 pm
by hope16_05
Thanks Becky for the suggestion.
I think we are going to try ultrasound and splints and maybe some constraint therapy. Might as well do a modified form of constraint therapy. My left arm sure needs the break and my right could seriously benefit! We might also try iontopheresis (dont think I spelled that right at all but you might know what it is).
I will start this next Friday when my OT gets home from her family vacation.

Will keep you posted.